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The nightmare is back.

It's strange: I know I'm dreaming, yet I can't seem to break free of it. It feels as if I'm standing a bit away from what's happening...It's as if I'm a spectator while at the same time perfectly aware of the fact that the little girl lying on the bed in the dream is me.

I try to reach out to the girl as I feel her petrified stare pleading with me to help her...but I can't lift my arms. I want to go to her...but I can't move my feet. I want to comfort her with my voice, but when I open my mouth to speak, no sound comes out. I'm frozen in place. I'm helpless.

When the girl begins to cry, tears form in my eyes. I let them fall, flowing silently down my cheeks. I want so much to fight for the girl, to help her in some way, but, again, I can't. As I watch the girl's struggle, my own torment sets in, and I push against the invisible bonds rooting me to the spot.

I want to be free!

I want to protect her!

A scream starts forming in my throat, and sweat breaks out on my face. I can feel the scream building, trying to tear free. I keep trying to force my body to move, and, suddenly, the bonds are gone, and I fall to my knees. Then I look up, but it's too late...

I scream.

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