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Oh my god, Dahvie’s remembering! I can’t believe it! I smiled and opened my eyes to see his beautiful eyes staring back at me. “You saw, didn’t you?"

   I nodded and hugged him tightly to my chest. “I’m so glad that you’re remembering. But I wish that hadn’t been how you were brainwashed. Brainwashing someone while they’re asleep is not only wrong, it’s just plain cruel.”

   He sighed and nuzzled his head underneath my chin, his hair tickling me lightly. “I’m starting to realize that a lot of the things my pack did were cruel. Not only did they try to attack me, they killed innocent people. I can understand you vampires doing that because it’s natural but we eat normal human food, I have no idea what made them think that it was okay to kill humans. Or vampires for that matter.”

    I sighed and rubbed his back. “when we were friends, when you were still human you’d have nightmares about your father and you’d end up sleeping with me like this.”

    He chuckled sadly and whispered into my neck “looks like I’m having another nightmare, it’s called my life.”

     I gasped and pulled his chin up so that he could look at me, “Dahvie don’t ever say that. I know things are hard sometimes but they will get better, especially if I have anything to say about it.” I looked straight into Dahvie’s eyes as they began to glisten brightly, allowing happy tears to flow from his eyes. I cupped his cheek gently and stroked my thumb underneath his eyes, catching stray tears.

    “You’re amazing Jayy. You don’t even know how thankful I am for you right now. What’s sad is I was taught that vampires have no souls that they care for no one but themselves. I guess they were wrong about that too.”

       I smiled lightly at the adorable werewolf next to me before whispering “you shouldn’t listen to stereotypes like that Dahvie. I’m not like other vampires. I have the choice of who I am and who I want to be, and I’ve chosen to show love to those that deserve it and to those who don’t.”

      He gasped lightly and whispered “why show love to people who don’t deserve it, that’s stupid.” I rolled my eyes and reached to the top of Dahvie’s head, gently running my fingers through his soft locks.

      He purred quietly in approval as I murmured “you should show love to people who don’t deserve it because they are the ones who need it the most.”

    His eyes widened like a little kid’s who’s just heard a sweet lullaby. I smiled lovingly at him and whispered “Dahvie, lets go to sleep sweetheart, I want to take you somewhere tomorrow you shouldn’t be too tired.”

    He yawned and nodded moving closer to me. “Okay goodnight Jayy, you’re the greatest.” I smiled and kissed the top of his head “g’night Dahvie. Sleep well honey.” he smiled up at me, eyes closed. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. Maybe things will go back to normal. I hope they will soon, I want my best friend, my band mate, my true love back to normal and in my life.


“Where could he have gone!?” I yelled out angrily. We had been right on his heels and we even followed him around the corner but he just seemed to have faded away into the atmosphere. “Father.” Aaron said calmly, gaining my attention. “He isn’t worth it, just leave him be.” I growled at my son and turned away from him. “Trackers!” I yelled loudly.

     The experts of tracking people came flaunting over just as I held out a picture of Dahvie. It was a picture from about three years ago, Jeremy was carrying my son like he was a baby and they were both giggling with snow falling all around them. I also had one of Dahvie’s shirts so that they could sniff it. One by one they all looked at the picture and sniffed at the shirt. As soon as that was done and over with I pointed towards the forest and commanded forcefully “Find him!”

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