The Handbag Of No Return

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The Handbag of No Return

Enter at your peril.

One day I took a peek inside

the lost and found, that had to hide

the make up bag , and perfume stand

the emery board to keep in hand

the cotton buds to clean your ears

the bacterial wipes to kill all germs

the polish to put on your toes

the tissues used to blow your nose

the bar of chocolate that's half eaten

the sticky sweet without its wrapping

the chewing gum has got no clothes on

the sewing kit without a purpose

the lipstick laying without its lid

the long lost keys, no holes to fit

the hairbrush filled with hairs and clips

the rubber bands , in case you need them

the dental floss to keep your teeth clean

the tenna lady in case of leakage

the spare pair of pants, for just in case of

the train ticket with now where to go

the one legged sunglasses, with no use at all

the battery there to make something work

the deodorant can with only one spray left

the long lost earring without a back

the five pence piece stuck down the crack

the broken pen that lives in the corner

the sticky plaster lived there even longer

In the pocket hid away , a pack of painkillers to ease your head

I turned around , Gasp!!! what did I see ?

The KITCHEN SINK starring back at me.

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