Reading is supposed to be easy. By learning the letters and memorize them, we will be able to read words and sentences that were once weird shapes in our eyes.
Understanding what we read is a bit harder. Even if we can read, some sentences might still be incomprehensible. Some words might still be puzzling.
Reading and understanding you, however, is a whole 'nother level of struggle.
People are already complicated to begin with. We have this galaxy inside each one of us, waiting to be discovered and deciphered.
Add feelings into it and I find myself struggling to read and understand a book with letters, words and sentences that just keep on changing.
But you are a galaxy that is worth exploring.
A galaxy full of letters and stars, aligning to form something uniquely you.
A book of bedtime stories I read yesterday, I'm reading today, and I will read tomorrow.
—For you, who makes me smile
in my sleep