"My lady , we've arrived at the inn" Sebastian said as he wakes up (y/n) from her slumber.(Y/n) woke up and hopped of the carriage. She then went inside the inn and was greeted by innkeeper.
"Welcome" she said and gave a bright smile. But (y/n) just ignored her.
"I've already rented a suite for you and carried all the luggage" Sebastian said as he stood beside his mistress. He then lead her the way.
As they entered their rented room. It had one master's bedroom and most of it looked like a living room.
"Sebastian , I want you to gather records of the murder victims , and more information about them" (y/n) ordered her butler.
Sebastian bowed then left.
(Y/n) was left alone and decided to lie on the bed. "Another troublesome task..." she muttered to herself.
"But , that's the job of the King's watchdog. Right father ?" She turned and look at the ceiling.
"It's the job of a Phantomhive"
"Papa where are you going ?"
"To work dear , the Queen has given me a job"
"A job ?"
"It's very important dear"
"When will you be back again ?"
"Maybe a month or so"
"That's so long ... I'll miss you daddy , I wanna play with you"
"When I return... Being the queen's watchdog is the job of the Phantomhive amd soon it will be yours next"
"My lady ..." (Y/n) woke up to the voice of her butler.
"S-sebastian ?"
"You've dozed off again" Sebastian said. "I've brought what you've ask for" he then gave piles of papers to (y/n ). She then began on reading through it.
"Sebastian , prepare my cloak were heading out" (y/n) finally said.
"To where ?"
"To the family of the latest murder victim"
"My son , he was a good man... He didn't deserve it. What kind of person would do such a thing to kill an innocent boy ?!" The woman wailed as she takes about the gruesome death of her son to (y/n) and Sebastian.
"Scratches on his arms ... Broken bones ... But the worst of all , his innards pulled out. Parts of him were eaten" she cried out.
(Y/n) found this interesting. So the perpetrator is either a non-human or probaby a psycho.
(Y/n) then stood up. "Thank you for your time Mdm. Regi , we'll be off now"
"What ?! At this hour ?" Exclaimed the old lady. "Around this time is when that madman strikes. I don't want a little girl such as yourself to fall be the next victim"
"I'm confident I'll be unharmed by a fool who tries to attack me" (y/n) said.
"You and your butler-" (y/n) cut off the old lady.
"I am in good hands as long as Sebastian is here. Let's go" (y/n) said as she and Sebastian left her house.
"Where off to next my lady ?" Sebastian asked as he opened the coached.
"Back-" (y/n )'s words were cut off by a woman's scream.
"Sebastian !!!" (Y/n) then quickly ran off to where the scream came from. Sebastian followed his mistress.
The scream came from an alley , as (y/n) took a turn she was shocked at what she was seeing. A fresh dead body , innards outside and beside it is none other than the redhead grim reaper.
"G-grell !?" She said in disbelief.
The redhead then looked at the young Phantomhive. "Well well , if it isn't the little Phantomhive brat. Then that means -"
They were then awed as Sebastian appeared behind (y/n) . " Bassey !!!!!" The reaper squealed. Sebastian looks displeased seeing them.
"Oh , how long has it been since I last saw you ?! I was worried that this brat might've made a move on you already" Grell said.
"And why would I even do that ?". Grell hust ignored her.
(Y/n) has already met Grell before , in one of (y/n)'s assignments from the king. The two are on good terms , but (y/n ) would get annoyed of Grell's jealousy towards her relationship with Sebastian.
'Why in the world would I even do something foul to that demon butler ? He's just demon awaiting to eat my soul and father's' She thought.
"Anyways" (y/n ) began to speak. "Don't tell me you're the one who did all these murders ?"
"Me ? Why would I ?" Grell acted as if he was hurt by (y/n ) words. "Those killing days are behind me , because of my Bassey , I've turned a new leaf. And I hate to be demoted again" They then swooned over Sebastian. "I only came here to pick up the soul of this victim"
Sebastian then stood away from Grell. "Then you must've had a clue on who the murderer is"
"I rewinded the girl's memories , but she seem to be attacked by some hooded figure" Grell said. "Oooh , my sweet Bassey talking to me" they squealed.
"Tch , so much for your helped" muttered (y/n). "Sebastian , try and scope the whole area. Maybe the perpetrator is still near"
"And where will you be going my lady ?"
"I'll stay here and investigate the corpse" (y/n) said as she grabbed a mask and gloves from her bag.
"But what if the murderer returns to attack you then ?"
"I'm confident you'll be back on time to save me"
Sebastian smirked at his Mistress' reply. 'You are quite unique ...'
"I'll do fine here ... Just be sure to not kill the murderer, I need a closer look at him" (y/n) said.
"Oh , and take Grell with you. I can tell that this bloke is trying to kill me with deadly glares"
Sebastian sighed. "Fine , you can come with me Grell"
They blushed at what Sebastian said. "Really Bassey !?!"
"Its the mistress's orders"
Grell squealed and happily joined Sebastian as they scope the area searching for the perpetrator. (Y/n ) was left behind to look for clues on the body.
Hey there , Issa here !!!
Just a reminder , I uses they and them as pronouns for Grell.
You probably know the reason why 😉

The Next Phantomhive 《♡Sebastian x Reader♡》
Fanfiction(Y/N) Phantomhive , the only child of Ciel Phantomhive and Elizabeth Midford , is the next head of the Phantomhive household. She has inherited the vast Phantomhive property and Funtom Corporation . But that isn't the only thing she has inherited fr...