What the Fuck Brennan@Brennan
What .. we are just friends and I've really liked
Kim for the longest time now@Alexis
Seriously ...
I can't believe you broke my heart
Idiot ...@Brennan
What are you talking about
How did I break your heart ?@Alexis you seriously can't be that stupid
I'm not stupid I don't understand what you mean@Alexis
I've like you more than
A friend and I thought you felt the same but I guess
I was wrong ...@Brennan
What are you serious why didn't you tell me
I never knew but I'm in love with Kim..
I'm really sorry@Alexis
Sorry 4 what
You never did anything wrong
I should have told but part of me knew you never felt the same ..
I need to go ...
Goodbye Bren@Brennan
Alexis ???That's it
Hope you enjoyed it