Chapter 2

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It's been a week since I joined the guild. At times I still think I'm in a really long dream, or I'm just going crazy...but for the most part of it, it seems all real, or like I'm in a...well....fairy tail. I don't know what to do or think anymore I've been going an a few umm 'missions' with Nastu and the cat...what was his name again? Or right! Happy. Anyway, I'm feeling kinda homesick but it's not that bad I found a apartment that is affordable and the landlady seems nice. It seems kind of like home but just..weirder.

"LUCYYY!" Natsu yelled while running to me

"Yea?" I said before taking another sip of my strawberry milkshake

"Let's go on a job?!" Natsu said overjoyed

"Um...sure, let me finish my drink first" I said whilst chugging down my drink

I waved goodbye to the Levy, Mira and the other guild members before heading out with Natsu to our job. Apparently from reading this paper, it says we had to capture bandits, seems like an okay job. The past few jobs I've been going on were insane, you should see the creatures and monsters we had to beat down! I mean, I didn't even know creatures like that exists!! And I'm not even sure if they know what a puppy is anymore!!

As the train stopped, the speakers went on announcing our destination. I picked up my stuff and went off the train while trying to carry Natsu off too, I didn't know that someone's motion sickness could get this bad, I think he did tell me something about his magic power being the reason of it, what was his magic power again? Fire maker? No, can't be that, fire fists?? Wait no that's wrong too...oh right! Dragon slayer magic! I still don't understand anything about this magic and dragons, I mean it's just sooo confusing!

"Luce...let's go eat before we go to our job...I'm starving" Natsu said as he grabbed his stomach

"Sure!" I said giving him a warm smile

We ate and planned out how we would catch them...which all ended up with Natsu jumping out from a bush and beating them up...I wish Erza was here with me, then this would be much easier...

Natsu was wrapping up the mission, and by that I mean beating everyone up. As soon as we were going to get our prize a unfamiliar blonde haired boy came out of nowhere and started talking to Natsu. I looked curiously as he also had a cat but his cat was brown. Do all boys show skin in this place? I asked myself weirded out. As he saw me looking at him he whispered into Natsu's ear and pointed at me. Doesn't this guy know that it's rude to point? Who raised him? A frog? I said again to myself

"Oh this is Lucy, she is new to the guild!" Natsu said while wrapping an arm around me

"Oh, hi Lucy, I'm sting!" The blonde sting boy said while waving uncontrollably "and this is lector, he said pointing at the cat"

"Is he also a flying, talking cat?" I asked while looking at happy

"IM NOT A CAT IM AN EXCEED!" Happy and Lector Shouted at me at the same time

"...yea um I guess that answers your question" sting said while scratching the back of his head

My face softened looking at the sight in front of me. Can someone this good looking look even more good? I asked myself getting myself flustered from my own thoughts. WHAT AM I THINKING? Ugh I'm so done with this place!!

"Um are kinda looking red, do you have a fever?" Natsu asked me whiling holding a hand to my forehead

"Uh no is nothing!" I said waving my hands in front of me looking like a maniac, while pushing him away

"So, are you also in fairy tail?" I asked without a second thought

"Hah! I don't wanna be mean but, have you been living under a rock? How don't you know who THE Sting Eucliffe is?" Sting said with pride

I stood there for a few minutes, my face seemed blank, as if my soul left my body
"SOO, what guild are you in then?"

"Sabertooth...." Sting said as his praise seemed to leave his body

"Um...okay...well that seems nice!" I said not know what I am saying

"Anyway, why is a pretty lady like you in fairy tail?" Sting said pulling me closer to him

"W-what???" I said getting at red and flustered

"You heard me, so what's the reason"

"W-we'll I stumbled upon fairy tail and thought it was a nice guild to go to" I said still red as a tomato

"Well, I think I should show you what sabertooth is like, and maybe how I am in bed" sting said with a wink as he pulled me closer until his mouth and mine was inches apart. Of course by this point we both forgot Natsu, Happy, and Lector was with us... which made everything more awkward...

"Joking" sting said whispering into my ear as he planted a kiss on my forehead while looking up at the fire dragon slayer who was engulfed in flames "Looks like someone needs a fire extinguisher" Sting said jokingly

I looked up at him, with my hand on his chest, as he looked down I think I saw him blush slightly, and he let me go quickly. I looked behind me as I see Natsu and he runs to give me a big hug, not sure of what was happening I just gave him a hug back and looked back to see sting gone

"Um...Natsu.." I said kinda awkward

"Luce...I'm sorry, I won't let ANYONE EVER TOUCH YOU AGAIN" Natsu said his voice was filled with jealousy, and him hugging me tighter

"You don't need to say sorry about anything...I'm sorry...that was kinda awkward" I said as he let go off me and looked me in the eyes. His face was coming closer to mine...was he going to kiss me? We can't! I JUST MET HIM A WEEK AGO!!!

"You are still red...are you sure you aren't sick?" Natsu said as I let out a sigh of relief

"Yea I'm fine...let's just...go home" I said while walking to the train station together with our hands intertwined.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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