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She was perfect

She was brave

She was worth it

She was craved

She was lonely

She was sad

She was fading slowly

It had her crazy,mad

She was a normal girl

She was like every other in the world

She was nice,talented

She was sweet,kind

She was psychotic

She was pathetic

She was crazy

She was selfish,insanely

She was scared

She was frightened

She had flair

She was shred

But we are the same

Boys think we're a game

But we are special and gorgeous

We are perfect,courageous

No matter how we look

Boys are the spook

We are sacred

And I'm one hundred sure we can make it


This poem was longer than the others I wrote,so,it's dedicated for all the girls in the world.

Since,every girl,is being judged in her own way,in what she says.

And since,I'm a girl,I wanted to help you.I understand

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