Chapter 18

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[Third Person-POV]

(Y/N) was flying looking for where Beacon was until he saw the place, he could see Pyrrha and the others,(Y/N) felt his fury rising more and more until he felt two Ki behind him, he turned around and saw Goten and Trunks behind him

(Y/N):Goten,Trunks? What are you doing here? I thought they were going to go with others to play video games

Goten:It was like that but we heard that the place where you went was fighting so we wanted to come

Trunks:That's right, we want to see what kind of fighting there is

(Y/N):I do not think there are interesting matches but they can come anyway, let's go

(Y/N), Goten and Trunks landed in Beacon, all students were very impressed to see how a guy and two children could fly,(Y/N) followed by Goten and Trunks approached Pyrrha

Jaune:Who are they?

Pyrrha:He is Goten,Trunks and my boyfriend

Weiss:Your boyfriend brought children to a combat school, do not you see that's dangerous

Goten:Hey, we are very strong!


Weiss:I doubt it very much,they are just children

(Y/N):....These children are more powerful than anyone in this whole school, if you dare to get involved with them...I get involved and I can assure you that it is the last thing you want to do

Weiss was silent when she heard everything (Y/N) had said

Nora:T-The combat class is going to start, we'd better go

Trunks:Oh Yeah!! Time to fight Goten!!

Goten:Yeah come on!!

Everyone went to the Goodwitch class,once all the students arrived,the fighting began, and now it was the moment that it was Cardin's turn to choose his opponent.

Goodwitch:That was a good fight, choose your next opponent

Cardin:I choose those two brats

Cardin said pointing to Goten and Trunks

Goodwitch:I'm sorry but they are children, you can not...

Goten,Trunks:We are ready!

Goodwitch was surprised since she had not even seen them move

Goodwitch:O-Okey,I hope you control yourself Mr. Winchester, this is two children

Cardin:Do not worry, I'll just make them cry for a moment

Goodwitch:Anyway, the fight starts in 3...2...1...GO!!

Cardin ran with his weapon raised towards Goten,Cardin was about to hit Goten with his weapon but he stopped him with his finger


Goten:Come on, that's all you have?

Cardin:Do not worry, now I will take out all my strength!!

Cardin again hit Goten again but he stopped the blow with his hand

Goten:Are you going to use all your strength? this is getting boring

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