Final Chapter

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[Third Person-POV]

After defeating the assistants of Salem,they all went to the last place that remained in the castle,(Y/N) opened the throne doors and they saw Salem with an arrogant look

Salem:Good thing you are here, it was time for the fun to begin

(Y/N):You must be Salem, you look very happy for your death

Salem:Of course I am but not because of my death,if not yours,all of you ruined my plans to have killed Cinder but do not get involved,with your death I am satisfied

Vegeta:You are too weak to face us,the only thing you will do is tickle

Gohan:And we are more than you, we defeated all your assistants

Salem:Those useless? They were not useful, they were only there for me to give them orders but I will show you some of my greatest creations

Miira appeared in front of everyone

Salem:I present to Miira or formerly known as Ozpin,one of my greatest creations, now, Miira, destroy them


A massive white aura surrounded Miira,he threw himself against Goku and Vegeta,they transformed into Super Saiyan Blue and both threw themselves at Miira,Goku punched Miira in the face followed by a kick from Vegeta,Miira was able to recover and he gave Goku a knee that made him back down,Gohan unleashed his full potential and threw a Masenko at Mira, he could dodge it

Vegeta:It's stronger than I thought

Salem:Of course it is, use all my power to create it, he is twice as strong as me, even more, no one of you is on par with the HAHAHAHA!!! 

(Y/N):That's what you think!!

(Y/N) was launched against Miira and this gave him a punch that made him throw against a wall,he got up but did not see that (Y/N) had launched against him,(Y/N) grabbed the head of Miira and began dragging his head on the walls of the castle of Salem,(Y/N) hit Miira in the stomach by throwing him against the ceiling,he teleported in front of (Y/N) and punched him in the stomach that made him retreat a little

Miira:This is what I wanted, a person who gave me a good fight

(Y/N):Do not get too excited, this fight will not last long

Vegeta and Trunks appeared behind Miira and kicked him in the head that threw him at (Y/N),he punched him in the stomach strong enough to make him cross the roof of the castle,Goku and Gohan kicked him back into the ground


They both threw a Kamehameha at the same time,Miira had time to stop the attack by throwing a black and red bolt at the Kamehameha,both attacks had collided

Miira:I will not fall easily!! AAAAHHHH!!!

Miira increased the power of the attack by pushing back the Kamehameha

Goku:Damn it,we need more power!!

At that Goten appeared at his side

Goten:Dad,Gohan!! AAAHHH!!

Goten transformed into Super Saiyan and launched a Kamehameha combined with the attack of Goku and Gohan, the attack was powerful enough to roll back Miira's attack

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