Chapter 10 (Special)

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Warning: This includes some Warriors and false characters

Meanwhile... (third person)

Susan had a bad feeling in her stomach. She had heard some really weird noises earlier, but assumed it was just Bella and her puppies playing around.

But some of the noises sounded too, too, human. She sat up in bed abruptly and walked in the shabby living room.

They had not moved houses yet.

To her dismay, Bella's dog bed was empty! Susan walked around the house, looking in every corner.

But no dog or pups were there.

Wait, hold on! Are those footprints? She followed the muddy footprints cautiously to the open and unlocked front door.

A wave of realization washed over her.

Oh no.

She ran into her parent's room. About to open her mouth and wake them up, she stopped.

Telling them that Bella and her pups were stolen would break their hearts. Susan decided to keep it a secret from them.

She felt her own heart break, but put determination that Bella and her pups are going to return.

Susan looked out a window. The sun was barely up. She went back to bed and tried to sleep.

Lucky's POV (first person)

The pups! I need to see them! Especially Beta, he is the runt of the litter.

We gave him a strong name because Bella and I believed that there was more than size to the pup.

A tiny bell rang.

A servant came and gave me my breakfast, which I gobbled up quickly, excited to see Bella and the pups.

I ran out of the luxurious dog door and out onto the yard. I climbed up the ramp leading over the fence. I ran eagerly to Bella's house.

I have suggested she move in with me, but she had defiantly rejected my offer.

But when I entered the house, I called for her and no reply came. Not even the soft bark Junior would give me when he sensed me!

Something was wrong. I padded into Susan's room. She was laying in her bed, crying. I put a paw on her knee, to ask her where my family was, but all she ever did was shake her head sadly.

Unfortunately, I can't communicate with humans as Bella can. But I did understand one thing.

"They're gone, Lucky. They've been kidnapped."

I didn't understand the words, but I have an understanding of what she was saying.

A wave of misery washed over me. How could they be gone? Bella is extremely smart, how could she let this happen?

I caught a whiff of her scent nearby. Tracking it, I went to a drawer, a spot on the floor, and out the door.

I continued tracking the scent and followed it to the road. I sniffed my way to a forest.

Who would go into the forest?

I made my way past some trees for some while. Probably an hour or so. Bella's scent was still fresh, so they must have been recently through here.

I paused as a rustle came from a bush and a scent of cat wafted over my nose.

Cat, I thought with disgust.

"Halt! You are intruding on Thunderclan territory!"

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