Chapter 12

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Still Lucky's POV

At first, I trotted eagerly in the direction of where I was going, but then I stopped in my tracks, realizing something.

Which direction was north?

By now, Bella's scent had grown stale, and I was more devastated. I can't force the visions to come, they just appear.

Which is totally not normal. In fact, was it even impossible?

Of course, it's possible, it just happened! I thought.

Sometimes I'm not that bright. Anyways, back to track. I tried to follow her stale scent as much as I can.

Suddenly, a bunch of squirrels shot past me. I stared at them in surprise. Shortly afterward a herd of deer and fawns (ya know, baby deer) followed them.

What was happening?

A porcupine tried to scurry past me, but I blocked their path.

"Stop," I said. "What the tail is going on?"

"Must hurry. Must hurry hurry," she said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"They're doing it again! Those pesky humans! How would they like it if I broke into their homes?" the porcupine ranted. "Must catch up to the group. This is the third time we moved to find a new forest! We forest animals travel together to find a new home."

"Cool." But when the porcupine threw me a look, I added, "Not cool."

"We're going north of here. Must hurry!"

"K, bye!" I called at the scampering critter.

Wait, did she say north?

"Hold up! I'm coming with you!"

I ran toward the group.

"Mind if I join for a bit?" I asked.

"You again!" the porcupine hissed. "Well, I guess."

Man will I have a tale to tell my family.

I woke up hazily. This was my third night with the animals, and I was feeling very cranky.

"Oh! The dog is awake!"

"Lucky," I growled. "I'm Lucky."

A fawn trotted next to me and bumped noses.

"Fawna! Come here right now! That thing can bite you!" the mother fretted.

"But mom! He's lucky! Maybe he will spread some luck to me!" Fawna whined but came to her mother's side.

I ignored them. I don't care what they think of me! I have more important matters to think of. For instance, Bella and our pups!

Oh, I wish I knew how they were doing!

"Daydreaming again? It's time to move it!"

One particular animal in this group annoyed me. That was the ocelot. Somehow, this animal has traveled all the way from Texas to here and survived.

He was basically worshipped here! You know what I wonder? Why doesn't he have a Texan accent? I've met many dogs from Texas and they all had the accent. This is very suspicious.

The ocelot, who is called Sleek, acts like a god. Seriously! He is so full of himself!

I sat up and went hunting for food. No killing any travelers, since they were basically teammates.

I caught a nice mouse nearby and ate it. By now I have gotten used to raw food, and kinda prefer it than dog food.

We walked north again. My bones were aching, and Sleek didn't help.

The rest of the animals, (and annoyingly the ocelot), seemed used to it, traveling so much.

Only I, Lucky, was aching and sore. It was humiliating, with all the animals looking at me as if they could detect that I was tired.

Of course, I tried to look uncaring and fine.

"Hey, get your head out of the clouds and focus," sneered Sleek.

I sighed. Another day of this coming right up!


Sorry for not updating soon enough.

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