Chapter 1

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I swatted at the hand that was touching my cheek.  I caught the sound of a snort.  Then I felt something... it wasn't a hand.  My eyes opened and I saw Cookie, our dog, licking my face.  I opened my mouth and he licked  my tooth.

"EWWWWWWW COOKIE!!!!! DAMMIT!!!" I shouted as I got the dog out of my face.

My brother was rolling on the floor laughing his head off as I wiped my mouth and rubbed the slobber off my face.  Cookie ran out of the room and Robin was still laughing on the floor.

"Jerk, what were you thinking!?!" I yelled as my foot made connection with his side.

"Ow. But I had to get you up. Last year of school remember?" Robin waved a finger in my face and as a result I smacked it with my hairbrush.

I sighed a the brush tugged a knot out of my hair.  "Yeah... school. Fun." I added an eyeroll for effect.

Robin smiled as I picked out my outfit.  A tee-shirt and jeans.

"Really? Just that!? You are a senior!! My first day senior year I wore my pajamas."

"And you got detention," I mused as went to my closet to change.

"It was worth it. And that was the other school. Yours will be different. And besides, I get to drive you."

I popped my head out of the closet after I got my shirt on. "You are WHAT!?"

Robin shrugged, "Mom said so, we only have the one car and your school is on the way to my college. Taking the bus everyday was exhausting."

I came out after I had finished and finished my hair, a cute ponytail.


I turned around, "What?"

"Oh nothing.... just that... you know... school is in half an hour..."

"WHAT!?" I yelled as I ran down the stairs and shoved random food in my lunch box and stuck it in my backpack.

I grabbed an apple and pushed my brother out the door.  Our parents were already at work and Cookie was trusted enough to be out and about in the new house.  Robin chuckled as he stuck the key in the ignition and started the car.  I quickly skimmed my backpack and made sure I had everything before we pulled out of the driveway.  Robin turned on the radio and started singing to the music.  I rolled my eyes as he smirked at me and looked at the passing scenery.  In ten minutes we had made to the school and I got out of the car.  A ton of people were already outside and connecting with old friends.  I sighed, a new school, no friends.  I reached some steps and I heard a car horn.

"I LOVE YOU BABY SIS!!!" Robin yelled as he drove off.

A few people laughed and looked at my blushing face as I pushed through the doors of the school.  I finally found my locker and put up the whiteboard and the mirror that Mom had bought me a little while ago.  I was adding a few pictures and magnets to the interior when the locker door slammed shut.  I squeaked and dropped the picture of Cookie that I was putting up.

"Hey, 'Baby Sis.'" said a voice above me.

I looked up after I grabbed the picture and stared at the guy that had so rudely slammed my locker closed.

"Hello, butt munch," I replied.

I smirked and opened my locker again as his jaw dropped.  He went silent and opened his locker, great it's next to mine...

"Listen," I heard the guy say next to me, "Stay out of my way, got it?" he growled.

I nodded.  Messing with him is most likely bad luck so I will stay out of his way and avoid him.  Perfect.  I smiled to myself and pulled out my schedule.  Hmm, calculus is first, alright.  I can do this.  Senior year and I will be great!  I pulled out the binder for the class.  I had decorated my binders with pictures from my favorite animes.  Since math is my least favorite class, I chose "Devil is a Part Timer." I smirked at my sense of humor and decided to look for my class.  My hand gently closed the locker and I saw the guy for the first time.  He had dark brown hair that turned lighter when it hit the light.  His eyes were a burnt gold and his skin had a light tan.  Basically, he was the ideal type for any girl that was not a nerd, lucky for me, I am a nerd.  I passed him and walked to my class.  The bell rang and I sat down where the teacher told me.  Right in the front seat.  Someone slid into their seat behind me and I decided to greet them... it was my locker buddy.  Protesting my  decision I faced the front and learned some calculus.

Next class was Anatomy, the class I wanted the most.  I sat down in the back so I would not be disturbed as I learned about the body.  Sadly, the class was boring because it was the first day.  I went to my AP English class and sat in the back as well.  As I was writing down some notes on the class I felt eyes watching me.  My head slowly turned as the eerie feeling grew to be too much.  I saw that guy watching me from the left side of the room.  He noticed my gaze and his dropped.  I ignored this and went back to writing.

After European History and Spanish class, I had lunch.  I grabbed my lunch box from my locker and followed the swarm of people out to the courtyard where people were eating with their friends.  I sat under a tree and opened my lunch box to see what I had grabbed this morning.  Crap... I did not pack enough.  Sighing, I peeled my orange and watched as girls giggled over their phones and guys threw food at each other and made themselves look like fools.  All of a sudden a huge screech was heard as all the girls gawked at someone.  I turned my attention to the cafeteria doors and saw him walk out.  Great, he has every girl wrapped around his finger.  I turned back to my bag of chips and sighed as the last barbeque crumb  fell into my hand.  My backpack held all of my homework so I decided to get some done because lunch was not enough.  After I had filled out what I needed to and finished a calculus worksheet the bell rang and the swarm of people went back inside.  I trudged to computer programming class with a nearly empty stomach.  Once again, the seat in the back claimed me and I watched with interest as the teacher showed us a quick video on how programming works and how it benefits the world.  I wrote down some rules for his class and I saw a pencil drop next to me.  I picked it up and handed it to the owner.

"Thanks, Baby Sis."

I growled and handed the pencil to him as he smirked at me with this evil look in his eyes.  Finally the bell rang for the end of the day and I hurried to get to my locker before he could.  I was throwing a few things in my bag when a hand closed my locker, nearly crushing my hand.  I opened it again and walked around the guy, hoping to avoid him.  A hand grabbed my wrist and I yelped as I was spun into a locker.  The guy looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"I think I will enjoy having you as my locker buddy, Baby Sis."

He then left me there as I gained my breathe back.  I walked out to my brother's car and hopped in.

"Hey there Bunny Butt. How was school?"

"Don't EVER call me BABY SIS AGAIN!!!!" I yell as Robin starts the car.

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