Chapter 3

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It has been two weeks since school has started and someone has already planned a party.  I have to deal with Jackson everyday and it is so annoying.  Mom and Dad work at the same company so they are out for the weekend on a business trip.  I am sitting alone in my room with my book and music when Robin pops his head in.  Cookie comes trotting in with a chew toy in his mouth and he plops himself on the end of my bed.

"Hey, so you are sure you don't want to go to the party tonight?" Robin asks as he pulls up my chair from my desk.

I nod and turn the page of my book and stick a bookmark in it.

"Yeah. I hardly know anyone at the school and I don't like people."

"You like me."

"You're my brother. I have to."

Robin sticks out his lip in a pout and we laugh together.

"Well, since you aren't going out, I am taking you out."

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I am treating my baby sis to dinner."

"People will think we are a thing..."

"Nah. Don't worry about it come on. Get on some decent clothes."

I look down at my hoodie and sweatpants and raise my eyebrow again.

"Must I do everything in this house?" Robin states dramatically as he walks to my closet.

I go back to my book and ignore his complaints on my fashion choice.  As I turn a page, I get a face full of fabric.  My hand pushes it from me and I see a shirt and a jean skirt in my lap.

"Hell. No."

"Why not?" Robin asks.

"There is a reason that this is in my closet. It is too tight," I say picking up the skirt.

"Why is it still in there then?"

"I don't know," I mumble, going back to my book.

The book gets plucked out of my hand and I scramble to reach it.

"Hey, nerd. Get dressed."

"If I do, will I get my book back?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

"Yes, after dinner. Now go nerd."

I groan and grab the clothes and disappear in the closet to change.  I walk out in the skirt and blouse that ends right before my breast.  Why do I have this!?!?

"You look adorable sis. Come on!" Robin grabs my hand and pulls me to the car after I grab my purse and phone.

We drive in silence... well almost silence.  Robin is screaming the lyrics of Angel of Music from Phantom of the Opera while it blares on the radio.  And he calls me the nerd.  We stop in front of a house and I can hear the music coming from inside.

"No. No no no no no!!! YOU DID NOT!" I yell at Robin as he smirks at me.

"Surprise! Now go have fun and don't do anything stupid or would get me in trouble. No sex, drugs, alcohol, or fun stuff okay? If anything happens text me and I will punch the guy in the face kay? Bye!!" Robin says as he pushes me out the door.

I stand, mouth wide open, as he drives off.  What. The. Hell just happened???  My legs carry me to the obnoxious house and I lose my hearing within five feet of the door.  I walk in and a few girls acknowledge me.  The kitchen is graced with my quiet presence as I grab a soda.  Just a plain, boring old soda, like me.  I sip it in content when a hand grabs my shoulder.  Flipping around, I see Jackson, smiling like an idiot and holding a can of sorts in his hands.

"Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN I didddddddn't exxxxxxxpect you to beeeeee hereeeeeeeeeee."

I smell alcohol and gag at the scent.  Dear God, Jackson!!  Glaring at him I push past him to get out of the loud, crazy house.  How no one called the authorities beats me.  I get outside for a breathe of fresh air when I hear someone stumbling after me.  Great, it's the drunk Jackson.  Sighing I sit down and he plops down next to me.



"You are pretty tonight... and every night... and day..." he chuckles drunkenly and I cant help but giggle at his strange state.

"Thanks I guess."

"You are the prettiest girl in the whollllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee schoooooooooooooool."

Now that may be a stretch.  He sees it on my face and brushes his hand against my cheek.  I freeze.  What is this?  No one... this is... NO!  He is a jerk and a heart throb and he is drunk as hell right now.  This is not Jackson.  AND I AM NOT FALLING FOR A DRUNK!  I lean back, but he follows.  I am near the ground and he is still approaching me.

"Y/N?" he whispers, I still can smell the toxins.


"I feel like sh--"

I put my hand over his mouth.  With all the scent that I am getting, it is enough to get me drunk.  I push him back and he falls against a small pole connecting the porch to the ceiling.  I pull out my phone.

Y/N: Mom and Dad are gone til Mon right?

Robobro <3 : Yeah y?

Y/N: We may have a problem...

Robobro <3 : ...?

Y/N: I found someone who is drunk af.

Robobro <3 : OHHHHHHHHHHHH ok. pulling around.

I look up and see Robin's car pull from around the corner.  He really did not expect me to get far, did he?  I grab the almost unconscious Jackson and lug him to the car.  I open the back seat and scramble in before pulling Jackson in after me.

"So who is this?" Robin asks as I buckle up and lay Jackson's head on my lap as his legs curl up.

"This is my locker buddy..."

"OH! oh.... uh.... awkward."

"Thanks Robin! let's just go," I mumble as Jackson starts running his finger down my calf.

Little fireworks go off in my leg and I grow entranced and irritated at the same time.

"Y/N...?" asks the drunk Jackson.


"I... I think I love you."

The car comes to a screeching halt.

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