Chapter 8

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(Jackson's POV) A/N: whoa.... this is new..... :D

It has been a week since Y/N got in that car crash. She has been really quiet and she wasn't at school for a few days. I was her new ride to school because her brother was in his coma and her parents trusted me enough to give her a ride to and from school everyday. I pulled up to her house and honked my horn. The door opened and a pair of crutches emerged before Y/N did. Sighing, I got out of the car and opened the back door for her. She made it over and threw her backpack and crutches in before crawling in herself. I closed the door and got in the driver's seat.

"So how are you this fine morning?" I asked, trying to break the silence that was forming.

I checked the rear view mirror and saw her staring out the window with a blank expression. Her eyes glance at the mirror and my eyes focused on the road.

"I-it... it is fine," she managed to say as I saw a tear trace her cheek.

Frowning, I get to the school and turn around since we have time to spare.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything!!" she exclaims as she bursts into tears.

"Y/N...." I hold my arm out and she hugs me, crying into my shirt.

I brush her hair as she continues to sob. Y/N has been a mess since the incident, but I don't blame her. Robin seemed like a great brother, one that I wish I had instead of Rose... God she was awful. Y/N sniffed and rubbed her eyes.

"I-I'm... s-sorry."

"Hey, no. You can not be sorry. This is fine. You need to be able to release all of these emotions, and I am happy to help you."

I smile and Y/N smiles back, the smile that was shy, but so incredibly adorable. My finger grazes her cheek and wipes a tear away. Her puffy E/C eyes were looking at me like I was a lifeline. We decide to go to our lockers and we grabbed our stuff. As we walked down the hallways to get to our lockers, eyes followed me. Lately, I have seen more jealous gazes than I had before. Every girl glared at Y/N like she was a disease. I stepped closer to her like I was her bodyguard. My eye caught a girl with her foot out right where Y/N was about to put her crutch, she would've fallen and gotten hurt... I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her from going forward. I glared at the girl and she shrunk against the wall and pulled her foot in. Scoffing, I pushed forward with Y/N. She already had enough trouble without these idiots trying to hurt her.

The bell rang at the end of school and I helped Y/N put her books in her backpack.

"Let's go home hmm?" I ask and she nodded silently.


I sat in the backseat. Jackson was really caring for me now, and it felt nice. He got out of the car and helped me out of the car. Jackson grabbed my backpack and we went inside.

"Do you want to study together?" he asked as we entered the foyer.

My parents were still at work, so I nodded.

"Sure. But I have more homework than studying to do."

"We share most of our classes together."

A lightbulb went off and I nodded again. Jackson ran to his car to grab his stuff and I made a plate of apples a caramel. He came in and grabbed the plate as I slowly maneuvered to the couch. I set the crutches against the wall and collapsed into the couch. Sighing I grabbed my backpack from the floor and grabbed my calculus book.

"You want to do it now?" Jackson asked as he sat down next to me and stuck an apple slice in his mouth.

"When do you want to do it? Midnight? Of course I am doing it now," I rolled my eyes.

He smiled and stretched out on the couch like he owned. Slowly his arms reached my lap and he pushed the books off my legs.

"Hey!" I said as I went to retrieve the books from the floor.

As I was about to reach it, Jackson used his arms to push mine back, making me sit upright. I glared at him, I am not in the mood for his stupid games. The only stupid games I would be playing are ones with R-Robin. A pang of hurt struck my heart and my anger dissipated. Jackson saw the change and sat up immediately.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked as he put an arm around my shoulders.

His embrace felt so comforting. I wondered if that is what is keeping me sane. Sighing, I let my head fall on his shoulder, the warmth put a sleepy haze over me and I was fighting to stay awake. This past week has exhausted me. I had spent at least three days in the hospital for my leg, and then spent most evenings in the hospital doing homework at Robin's side. It hurt to see him so vulnerable and lifeless, but at least he didn't die like the other driver.

"I'm hungry," Jackson stated out of no where.

I looked up and shot him a 'really? I don't care' look. Because he had a plate of... oh. He ate all of them. I sat up and Jackson looked at me as I grunted in pain from my leg. The plate of apples and caramel was empty.

"Do you want to grab something to eat? Come on, I'll treat you."

The thought was tempting and I didn't want to spend a lot of time here, let alone do homework without hearing Robin's keyboard clacking as he worked on his own stuff as we so often did in the evenings. I leaned over and grabbed my crutches and purse and stood. Jackson also stood and walked out to the door. I closed the door and decided to sit in the front seat with my crutches in the back.

Jackson was humming to a song on the radio and I smiled, it reminded me that he wasn't such a brute. I started singing as well and we passed a bus stop that looked oddly familiar. On the road I saw some shattered glass and metal. My heartrate jumped and I started feeling dizzy. I wanted to get out of the car. I heard the screeching of tires. I need to get out! My eyes shut tightly as I heard the sound of metal against metal.

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