Chirp Chirp

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After Alya got changed back into her clothes, they began to walk around the castle discussing how the kwamis help them. "So just say 3 simple words, and in seconds... BOOM! You're Rena Rouge?" Pidge repeated still not fully understanding the kwamis function.

"Yeah!" "... But what happens when they go in the necklace? Do they just have a little hangout for themselves once you are Rena?" Pidge wondered adjusting her glasses, leaving Alya clueless. 

 "...Uuuuhhh..." Before she could say a word; there was a high pitch scream in the kitchen leading to even more screaming. 

They quickly ran to the kitchen to see Coran with some weird Altean kitchen tool in his hand and with 5 beams of color flying around, while Coran was hitting the walls and air EVERYWHERE!

Alya recognized those little beams of light "TRIXX!" Alya hollered. She quickly tackled Coran to the ground. 

"WHAT THE QUIZNACK ARE YOU DOING?!" Coran screamed trying to fight back Alya's strength (if only he wasn't so old). 

"Saving my kwami" Alya growled with all her mighty rage. The Kwamis quickly stopped flying around and huddled into on group, except Trixx. "ALYA! You're okay!!!" He hollered quickly flying to her. She released poor Coran, and gave him a big hug. Pidge helped Coran up as the other kwamis flew to Alya. 

"Is Marinette okay?" "How's Chloe" "Is Nino dead?" "I miss Chloe so much" The kwamis flooded her with questions.

"They're not dead, but there not out of the pods yet... Sorry." 

Soon after Shiro and Allura came running in to see floppy Coran on Pidge, and Alya holding sadden kwamis.

"Whats going on exactly?" Shiro questioned.

"This is Alya, she's one of the people Lance found in space," Pidge explained, giving poor Coran to Allura.

"Hi. Sorry I did that to your friend. He was gonna hurt the kwamis." Alya explained holding the kwamis closer.

"It's no problem... but please never do that again though." Allura warned her. 

"Got it. I'm Alya, but I call myself Rena Rouge when I transform," Alya explained.  

"Transform?"Shiro questioned. 

"Into a superhero, by Trixx's magic."

"It's complicated!" Pidge shouted before Shiro could say a word out of his mouth.

"Anyway, how about we show you around." Shiro suggested.

"Yeah... but can little Pigeon show me around? She reminds me of a mini, dorkier, less cooler ME." Alya suggested looking at Pidge, trying not to laugh at her annoyed face.

"Of course," Shiro replied.

As they walked out, Pidge gave Alya the death glare. "Pigeon???" she growled with the fires of hell in her eyes, the kwamis quickly flew away from Alya due to Pidge.

In the middle of there castle, they were walking down the hall. They bumped into Lance coming out of a room. He immediately stopped and made one of his lover boy poses "HELLO BEAUTIFUL! I'm Lance, the brave-o who saved your pretty life," he pointed out (literally) giving her finger guns. Alya just lightly chuckled, Pidge rolled her eyes, but realized...That was Keith's bedroom the "Lover boy" walked out of. 

"What were you doing in there?" Pidge questioned pointing at Keith's room.

Lance froze before rapidly shaking his head. "I-I was just playing some video games with him," he explained scratching the back of his neck rapidly.

Before Pidge could say another word, Alya interrupted "Sorry Lover boy, but I have a boyfriend already!"

Lance's arm quickly inflated. "OOOHHH..."

Before anything else could happen, Pollen came zooming in!



Hello my geeks, thanks again for reading and have a great day or night!!!!  

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