The First Meeting

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bold - Sulli

italics - Ahri

Bold italics - Chanyeol


Ahri's POV

" Hey aren't you gonna miss me?! How can you be like this when we won't be seeing each other for half a year!" Sulli said whilst was tugging my sleeve. I yawned widely,"hey we have the internet and technology to keep us connected, its fine." I replied lazily, I was too tired, I had to wake up at 5 am just to send her off. I was never a morning person.

" Fine then I'll call you everyday and text you everyday because I will miss you."

" I will miss you too! Take care and remember to tell me if you meet any one who might take your heart! I joked, me and sulli both never experienced love even though we were really popular in school, no one caught our attention. Therefore we were still single at this age.

It was time for Sulli's flight and we bid our farewells with a big hug.

As she left I turned around to leave the airport I heard some people yelling and running and suddenly as I turned around, a giant guy crashed into me making me drop on the floor, causing a bruise to be formed on my butt.

Chanyeol's POV

We just came back to Seoul from our solo concert in China and everyone was either too tired or bored and the silent atmosphere didn't suit my mood well so I thought I should cheer myself up by stirring some trouble.

I ran up behind Baekhyun and because of my handsome height, I took advantage and took his hat and ran for my life! xD

"YAH!!!!!!" baekhyun yelled as he started to chase for me.

I ran like no tomorrow, clasping the hat in my hands like it was the last resouce of food left in the world and closed my eyes whilst laughing like hell xD.

Until I bumped into a petite girl and made her drop on the floor. Baekhyun saw my accident and walked away and said "it wasn't me!".

I helped her up and said " hey Mianhe, gwenchana?" when she got up and looked at me, my mouth opened to a o shape.

She was gorgeous and the most prettiest girl I saw in my whole life. " A goddess...." I accidently slipped out. She looked up to me and laughed, and scoffed me

" hah, are you alright?"

" did you just ask me that? what do you think? you just pushed me onto the ground with your big self, making a bruise on my beautiful bum! and how are you gonna repay me?!

I was dumbfounded on what she just said. it was like a goddess just turned to a dark angel. She would be better off if she had never opened her mouth.

But then I got a text from my manager, "Hey where are you! Hurry up and come into the van!!!!" - Manager

I looked back at her and said,

" uhhhhh Mianhe, how about I repay you later because I'm in a hurry, here I'll give you my number and call me anytime you want and i'll treat you something good, is that okay?"

my phone rang and I dashed without her answer. I didn't want to face the angry side of our manager.

Ahri's POV

"Yah! how could you just leave without my permission!" I yelled, but he was far gone.

Aish what kind of repayment is that if I don't get to choose. I opened my phone (which is obviously the latest Samsung phone since my family owns the company) and looked at the number the 'elephant' just gave me. Yup that's his name on my phone, Elephant. great name right? suits him so well, I mean he's giant, has big ears and is loud like an elephant. So that's what I'll call him from now on.



Authors note:

I hope you like my story! x3

I might update slow.


If I do update, I will update more than one chapter! xD

Thanks for reading :)

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