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"taylor, i'm sorry, but what do you mean?" i say, confusion looming in the air.
"karlie, i'm not human. i'm an angel."
i sit there in the alleyway for a minute or two, thinking that she's  joking and this is some big prank. but taylor pulls her best poker face, tears still dripping down her face. 
"taylor, i'm confused. are you joking?"
"no! why would i be joking? do you see me right now?" she shouts.
"taylor, you need to explain everything to me."
"well," she starts. "years ago, i was an angel- technically, i still am. i lived in the clouds, with my mother and younger brother. one day, i did something bad. terrible. i was shamed upon, no one could look me in the eye, not even my family. i got sent to earth as punishment, and lost my wings."
"that's why you have those scars." i realise.
she nods.

-present time

i try not to let the tears drip from my eyes. it's hard to  keep a happy face, or a straight one at the least. christmas- it's supposed to be happy, right? 
but yet again, i find myself lost in my own thoughts, drifting away to a place i can't remember.
my mum brings out a roast lamb to the table, and we all help ourselves. my sisters talk among themselves, and my parents do the same, talking mumbo jumbo about house prices and things that no one else is interested in.

after i finish eating, i place my dishes in the sink and rinse them off. i thank my mum for the dinner, and wish everyone a merry christmas. my dad almost asks me to stay and sit with them, but my sisters give him a glare that could cut ice. 

i walk back up the stairs, into my room and slam the door. and then i just lay on my bed and cry and cry and cry, because that's the only thing i can do. it feel like someones stabbing my chest over and over, leaving me a ghost of whoever it is i used to be.

'taylor.. if you're there, wherever you are, please just do something. i love you.'
it's stupid, but it helps. if she really was, is, an angel then she;d be able to answer my prayers, wouldn't she?

-taylor's pov

karlie lays on her bed and cries.

i feel a pain so deep where my heart should be.  i want to be able to hold her, to stroke her hair, to say sorry a million times over. 
when i told karlie i was an angel, i knew it was a mistake. not because i didn't trust her, but because i knew i could get in trouble for it. and i wasn't wrong.
i used to be  a lightworker- i could go to earth and leave it as i please, a huge privilege. the only reason this had been allowed was because i was a guardian angel too- a duality that appears rarely. so i had been sent to earth, to look over her- karlie. but as soon as i told her about it, about everything, i had all those privileges revoked. so here i was, back to being invisible to her. 

no matter how many times i tried to talk to her, touch her, or just show her i was here, nothing would change. there was no way to let her know i was okay, and that was the worst part- she was in all this pain because of me.

i had one last hope though.

there was a process that angels could do, to get to earth if they weren't a lightworker or a guardian.  they could essentially become human- but that meant no more wings, no more safety, no more eternal life, no more of seeing any of my friends or family. i didn't know if i was ready to give everything up at first, but at times like these i knew it was the right thing to do.

her angel was coming.

authors note:


sorry for the very late update, i've been really busy! i've been doing a lot of travelling and studying and it'd been taking up a lot of my time :( i'm gonna try and update more frequently! i hope y'all who are still here enjoyed this chapter <3

ps: a lightworker is basically an  earth angel - if you're interested you should do some research on it !!! its really interesting!!

ok bye

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