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Bongsun POV.

"HEEEEYYY GET BACK HERE". I yelled at the man who took my purse just then trying to catch up to him.

"HEYYY!!". I yelled again the man in black turned then continued to run. I stopped running out of breath then just walked to school away from the publice.

(At School)

Taehyung POV

I look over at jin during math class he glaces at me with a conserned look on his face then turns to look at jungkook with his head down on the desk and tears running down his face.

"Jung-". I stood up from my seat ready to confert him in anyway hoping to find out whats wrong then my idiot ass forgot I was still in class.

"Taehyung what are you doing? sit down. The teacher said looking in my direction I sat back down in embarresment then turned to jungkook 'UGH me seeing him like this it hurts me so much' I thought to myself.

I looked up watching the clock obove the teachers chalkboard waiting for it to ring.



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