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Jungkook's POV

I woke up feeling warmth next to me I turned to see soonae's cute sleeping face I kissed her forehead and she shifted a little in her sleep.

Why cant we be like we used to long ago why did you have to leave me? I said in my thoughts when her eyes flutterd open.

Soonae's POV

I woke up to someone starring at me which made me flinch a little *ok creep we watch people sleep now?!* I thought to myself then snapped out of my thoughts when I saw are position his arms were wrapped around my waist and my leg was thrown a little over his waiste.


"Hmm?"he hummed and smiled at me.

"Y-you c-can let g-go of me n-now" I said with a stutter *god I hate it when I stutterd it makes me feel weak😧*

"But what if I dont want to?" He said with a smirk on his face tightning his grip around my waiste. I got up out of his grip and walked down stairs ready to imagine myself beating up a thunder storm but then jungkook grabbed my wrist.

"Soonae please...please give me a chance" he begged and looked at me with his doe eyes.

I sighed "jungkook I did and you blew it...thank you for letting me stay here but im leaving." Jungkook sat up on his bed.

"To where!?" He asked a little worried shocked by my words.

"I dont know...but I know I cant stay here" with that I packed my stuff and headed out the door leaving a tiny goodbye not on the table.

(Time Skip)

Soonae's POV

I knocked on the door hoping that the one I wanted to see would answer...the door finally opened.

"S-soonae what are doing here?" Tae asked.

Thank God I remember were he lived when we stopped at his house before we went to the café yesterday.

"Please tae...I cant stay at jungkook's it makes me to uncomfertible...c-can I stay till my mom gets back please?" I gave him my cute puppy face and he sighed when he smiled and opened the door for me.

"So why cant you stay at jungkook's?" He asked when he sat down on the sofa I noticed he was watching a kdrama on the tv.

"Oh...well I guess the matress was just uncomfertible to me" I made a fake smile and sat beside him on the sofa.

"Oh..."he nodded his head like he fell for my lie..."hm...really?" He nodded his head like he understood.

"Yah...sooo" I looked away. Saddly im a bad lier

"Lier" he said and raised his eyebrowls and tilted his head to the side.

I sighed when I already new ive been caught just by my choice of words I used.

I told him ALL that happened not leaving a single detail out his eyes whidened when hw heard the part about jungkook confessing to me.

"Wow...that odd" he said and tried to stay calm.

"So yah that's what happened" I felt a little weird inside but I dont know if it was guilt or not.

"But...wait what is odd about that?" I said trying to understand.

"Well...jungkook he never confesses to new girls and as a mater of fact...I dont think ive ever seen or hered of jungkook confessing to anyone in all the years ive known him hmmm strange...just wondering why he would confess to the new girl...when he hardly knows you?". You looked away after he said thows words trying to avoid any other weird conversation that you had to have with him you sighed.

"Yah...right" you said and it became varry silent taehyung did not face you but his eys rolled towards you way.

"Is...there something I dont know?". He looked at you and raised his eyebrowls.

"C-can we just sleep on it for today please ill explaine later" you said hugged tae he was shocked by your sudden change in mood.

"Aww your adorable soonae" he gave you a boxy smile and hugged you back. Taehyungs phone buzzed but he new exactly who it was a decided to answer it later.

"Noona...there is a guest room up there somewhere on your left". He said and I got a little shocked.

"N-noona huh?" I stutterd

"Oh yah I just thought of calling you that do you mind?" He looked up and rubbed the back of his nevk nervous.

"Its fine" you smiled" but can I call you oppa?"

"Sure I would love that" he gave you another hug and showed you where the room was and taehyung turned to check his phone from the call.


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