Nightwing: The Birth of a New Wing

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The Birth of a

 New Wing

Chapter 1: Vials, Chambers, and Backstories

It started out like any other Tuesday. Woke up, got ready for my day at the gym, then BOOM. I walk outside to find the general at my door, "Jason Hill," the general said, "We have something for you." He said as he pulled a vial of blue liquid out of his pocket. He then beckoned me into his truck. We then arrived at Camp Plasma and he injected me with the liquid. The next thing I knew I was strapped to a table that had a chamber that could seal me into what appeared to be a Crio-chamber of some sort. There were men in lab coats that were behind bulletproof glass.

The chamber started closing, and I struggled to get free, but to no avail. I was worried about what might happen, but it was too late. The chamber closed around me and I thought I was done for. When suddenly, I felt a surge of energy pulse through my muscles. Then the doors opened. I stood about a foot and a half taller, I had rippling biceps and a 8 pack. My old shirt didn't fit so the General outfitted me with a new one and sent me on my way with 20,000 dollars for testing a new super power serum. Then when I got back home , my front door was busted open. I looked around for any trace of the guy when I heard something coming from upstairs. I got on my dad's old black jump suit that used to be too big for me, but now fit perfect. I ran upstairs, quietly, and saw the man ransacking my room. He was roughly 5'10" or 11" and was pretty beefy, but not as strong as me.

The man turned around and dropped his flashlight, and bag, "You believe in God?"  I said, he nodded, "Then get out before I make you meet him." He then dove out the window onto a bed strategically placed so he would escape fast. I heard sirens coming and he ran towards the street. The police showed up and I was standing on the roof with a black hoodie on with the hood up over my head, "Come down from there! Who are you?" The deputy said with a bullhorn. I pulled my hood down, "Jason?!?! What happened to you?" I hopped down and told him. He waited for a second, and then took me to the Sheriff's house. He was off duty. 

"What do you mean he's as strong as he was?" The sheriff asked quite puzzled. There was a pause, and then, "Leave us. I need to talk to him." The deputy walked out of the house and the sheriff took me to his room. He pulled a box out from under his bed and unlocked it. He took out a suit that had a blue "V" on the chest with lines that ran down the length of the arms, and a separate mask. I picked it up,  "Put it on." The sheriff said, I did, then I noticed him reaching for a bag. He opened it up and it had two black and blue Escrima Sticks that were about the length of my forearm, "You are the new hero of Gotham. Nightwing. You will be more well-known and more powerful than batman, or Dick Greyson ever were. Bring peace back to Gotham." The sheriff said with a very serious tone, "Honey," the sheriff's wife said, "are you here? I need you to make dinner and do the laundry." The sheriff beckoned me to leave out the window. I loaded up my black backpack, and thanked the sheriff for the gear. I opened the window with my suit on and leapt out the window.

The city was a different place with the suit, and I was feeling great. I went down to the motorcycle shop with my 20,000 dollars and bought (and paid off) a new black Ducati with blue trim. I was riding home when I heard a girl screaming in fear. I sped off into the alley way and located the source of the scream. I climbed the fire escape to an apartment with a shattered window. A thief had a woman cornered with a knife in his hand, "Hey you." I said in a deep monstrous voice.

"What?" The crook asked, "Who said that? I'll turn you into a kabob!"

I put a flashlight beam on my face and it illuminated my masked face. "Your worst nightmare." I snarled. I then dove through the window making the thief scream and run into the wall and collapse into a moaning, unconscious heap, "Oh my gosh,"  the woman said, "Who are you?"

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