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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎: trick or treat, freak

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The girl turned slowly, glancing over her shoulder and smiling as a certain brunette followed after her.

Returning the smile, Cindy quickened her pace, catching up to the new girl as they walked down the hallways side by side.

"I see Lucas and Dustin finally worked up the courage to talk to you," The Harrington smiled wickedly, nudging Max in the ribs with her elbow.

Max scoffed, rolling her eyes as she glanced over at her new friend. "If you call that courage, then sure."

The girl's laughs synced as one, bouncing off the walls of the hallway.

"So," Cindy crossed her arms over her chest, tugging her coat closer to her body as they pushed through the school's exit and into the chilling October air, "Any plans for tonight?"

Max's ginger eyebrows quirked slightly as if she had no idea what the Harrington was talking about before registering what day it was.

"Oh," She shook her head softly, "No, not really. The stalkers did tell me it would be 'okay' if I came trick or treating with you guys tonight, though."

"The stalkers?" Cindy questioned, furrowing her brows as she glanced over at her friend.

"Dustin and Lucas," Max flashed a close-lipped smile in Cindy's direction, earning a soft chuckle from the girl.

Cindy shook her head, smiling as she watched her feet. "You think you'll go?"

"Only if you invite me," Max nudged the girl with her elbow, smiling at her with raised brows.

"Please," Cindy looked over at her with begging eyes, "I don't know how much more I can take without at least some female interaction."

Max laughed, lightly pressing her palm to Cindy's shoulder, pushing her away playfully.

"Okay," Max nodded, "I'll come. But only for you."

"Oh, thank God," Cindy breathed, placing her palm against her chest dramatically.

Max rolled her eyes playfully, taking a deep breath as the girls reached the high school parking lot.

Cindy scanned the perimeter of the concrete lot, smiling softly to herself as her eyes met her brother's, nodding slightly towards him from where he leaned against the back end of his car.

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