Head ache

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The next day was really boring, there was nothing to do... Lila had to get her school sorted out so Dan went with her to see what he can do-well he went to the town centre or something like that because the council needs to sort it out,
Stephen was sleeping all day because he got woken up early by Lila last night,
And Hosuh was tired and also sleeping... So basically everything sucks.
Your P.O.V
I sighed as I laid in bed I felt dizzy, and had a head ache this has been happening for almost a year now,
But I can't figure out why, and I hate it, maybe I need more sleep...
Or it's just that I always wake up at 10? Well seven or eight now... Because of Lila...
But still I want it to stop it's annoying and drains half of my energy...
I clutch my head and groan in annoyance as my eyes shut as if I'm tired, 
I get up and I can feel a sharp pain in my head and my vision goes blurry.
I fall back onto my bed creating a loud bang...
I reach for my phone and call Hosuh, if I can't walk to his door I will make him come to mine.
I close my eyes and wait for him to answer, the voice mail comes on. I try to call again "ugghhh come on Hosuh" I whisper as I put my ear to the phone, "hello?" Finally he picked up!
"Hosuh can you come to my room I don't feel so good..." I hear a muffled sigh from the other side
Of the phone, "yeah I'll be there in a minute" he sounds kind of tired to.
After ending the call and waiting I hear my door opening and I stare at Hosuh as he enters my room,
He's wearing a blue shirt and some grey jeans... Like always...
He comes up to me, "what's wrong (y/n) why didn't you come to my room?"
"Because my-" I pick up my head as my head starts to hurt and my lungs tighten up,
I put my head back on the pillow and rest my arm over my eyes,
"(Y/n) what's going on?"
"I have a headache and feel dizzy"
"Oh dear, maybe you should get some sleep, do you want anything to drink some cocoa or tea?"
I nod slightly
"Yess please, can I have some cocoa/tea?"
"Yeah, have a rest and relax ok?
I nod a bit.
I hear Hosuh going down stairs and take my arm of my closed eyes,
I turn to the side to rest until I hear the door from Stephens room open,
And footsteps head downstairs, I could hear some mumbling from down stairs
And assumed it was talking.
After a short while I heard foot steps coming up stairs,
Hosuh enters my room with my tea/cocoa, then places it on the little glass table I have next to my bed,
I got that from Dan when we found it in the attic and had nothing to do with it,
I thanked Hosuh, and Stephen came in after, Hosuh sighed and looked down at me,
"(Y/n) we're  going to get medicine, you stay here , don't go anywhere"
"Ok" I'm in a slight daze as his voice becomes muffled, just as the two are about to head out of my room,
I grab Stephens arm causing him to look back at me, "Stephen, can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone"
He sighs "we won't take long, I promise"
I give him pleading eyes and try to sit up as I hiss from the pain in my head,
"Please" Hosuh looks back at us and nods at Stephen, "alright I'll be back soon, if Dan comes back open the door"
"Okay" seas Stephen, "now go" Hosuh nods and walks out, I can hear the front door shut.
Stephen sighs and gets a chair from the corner of my room and sits next to me,
I try to grab my drink, but I can't reach far enough with out my head pounding,
Stephen sees this and hands me the glass, "be careful it's hot"

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