Chapter 1: Stranded

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Run... Just Run. I repeated in my head, over and over. My arms, legs, and chest screaming for me to stop and rest, but I can't as I was being chased. The Nezeracks, Aliens that invaded years ago, were chasing me down, attempting to turn me to one of the Fallen littering the streets, wandering aimlessly. The rain showered the streets, hitting us and the ground like bullets. Our steps causing small splashes of water. I extended my wooden hook on my arm and caught it on the sign at the corner, unhooking when I finished my rotation to the next street. I stumbled, but quickly recovered. My heart skipped a beat as I frantically looked for an exit. Ahead was a window above a staircase cracked open. I only had one shot as this was life or death. A look back showed each of the Nezeracks four legs running in sync as they gained ground. The stairs came fast and my time seemed to slow. I ran up the stair, leaning slight left to allow myself to jump off the railing for an added boost. Once I jumped up the last step, I used the momentum to give me enough height to land on the railing. The railing shifted slightly, but not enough to unbalance me. I hopped off the railing, grabbing the window sill and hoisted my self up amd rolling through the crack in the window. Crashing into a nightstand under the window, I was knocked into the ground hard, laying face up trying to catch my breath. My arms and legs throbbed as fire filled my lungs. My heart beating a mile a minute as I layed there motionless with my eyes closed. The Nezeracks arent able to climb dispite having 4 spider-like legs, so I had no worry and rested while I had the time.

It was quiet. The sound of my breathing, the rain hitting the window and window sill, and the Nezeracks annoyed clicking was the only sounds audible. This was one of the closest encounters beside the Purification that started this apocalypse. I was only 14 at the time, me, my brother, and my dad was just enjoying our time, out at a movie theater down Chimney street. I couldnt remember the movie, as we didnt even get to see it but all we saw was this creature walking up behind us and grabbing my dad. My brother went to fight it, despite my father saying to run while he was able to speak. Soon my father was thrown and my brother was next, with me running away and finding a way to the roof. Me and my brother self-taught ourselves free running. So I used the row houses as a means of escape. Soon after, learning they cant climb well. Later seeing my brother at our usually hiding spot, his expression was emotionless. His voice was artificial, telling me to "join him" I ran, screaming its not him, but his face, the body, the scar on his neck, it haunted me, still does. However he wasnt your usual Fallen. He knew what he was doing and could speak, but I knew it wasnt him. I ran away, dodging his charges and escaping after using a zipline from a store going to a window in another house and cutting it. I never saw him since, and never want to.

The door knob shook, causing me to sit up and watch it closely. As it opened, a Fallen walked in, with a black uniform and X-shaped scar on his neck. I sighed in relief as I proceeded to lay back down. It would acknowledge I am here but not do anything about it. From what I know, the Nezeracks would use them as slaves, having them do labor around the world. I closed my eyes again, but a faint sound of splashes caught my attention. They started getting louder as I got up and walked to the window. Two people, both with masks and cloaks ran to the gate beside the building. Two Nezeracks were chsing them, like the ones that were after me. One attempted to use the fence to hop the gate, but as the attempted, the fence broke and couse the one to fall. The other attempted to assist, but they both were grabbed by the Nezeracks. I looked around for a weapon, spotting a knife the Fallen had and taking it from him. I opened the window and jumped out, landing on one of the Nezeracks heads, plunging the knife into it. The second Nezerack threw their captive into the ground and charged me, knocking me to the ground and dropping my knife. It towered over me, pinning my legs and arms to stop me from moving. It then placed one hand on my neck, preparing to convert me to a Fallen. I struggled, thrashing under it but to little success. As I accepted my fate, I noticed the survivor that was thrown pick up the knife and started stabbing the Nezerack repeatedly. It let go of my neck, attempting to atack the survivor, but soon fell on me, bleeding heavily. Its blue blood covering me as its wounds spewed everywhere.

With the assisstance of the other survivor, we pushed the corpse off me, and allowed myself to get up. "You're a Stranded." They said in a modulated voice. I looked at them confused. "You've been surviving here with no group."

"Theres oth-" I began coughing, seeing as a bit of the Nezeracks blood was coughed up with a bit of my own. They noticed and grew concerned.

"You're not a Calibrate or Guardian are you?"

I shook my head, clearing my throat. "No" I responded. "I honestly dont know what that was."

They looked at their partner, noticing them lying limply. "Grab his mask and follow me." I looked at the other one, taking his mask and exposing a middle-aged man, beard with some gray hairs but mostly black. He was bald as well, and had his eyes closed. I examined the mask, then put it on, seeing a monitor that started with the message Hello, New User There was a little map on the top right, showing a location pinged and the other persons marker revealing the name Tristie.

"We got to go." Tristie yelled, climbing the gate. The body shook violently as I jumped up amd climbed the gate. I had no clue what I was getting into, but I had a feeling this was about to get worse soon enough.

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