Second Halloween

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Young Michael Myers, the ideal patient. No talking, no crying, no screaming. The staff all thought he just sat there and stared absent mindedly. How very wrong they were.

Many many people for years underestimated the boy. They thought he had either shit down or was simply stupid. Such could not be further from the truth. No, I'm his dark mind he was thinking, always thinking. Planning what he would do when he would eventually get out.

What was living behind that seemingly blank stare was purely and simply evil. Visions of blood, death, and ruin danced in the mind of the young boy while his face remained pale, blank, and emotionless. They had no idea what they were dealing with, no one of course except for his doctor Sam Loomis. But, none heeded his words. They thought him a loon. That worked just fine for Michael Audrey Myers.

When young Michael was first admitted into Smith's Grove Sanitarium he was put in with other children of various levels of psychosis. His small size, his mute personality, and the horrific nature of his crime brought him the ire of one child. Daniel Harris was a violent child with signs of psychopathology. He had followed a younger boy home from school, enticed him with candy, lured him off the road and then had done terrible things to him. The child was barely recognizable after that.

Suffice to say, it seemed that he wanted young Michael to be his next victim. Every day he would push Michael, yell at him, on occasion he would even strike Michael. The young boy did nothing to retaliate. He just stood there and stared. Surely Michael must have been slow or something Danny thought. He hated the way Michael stared at him with those black eyes.

Almost a year had passed, Michael's birthday cake with Danny stealing a cake that Dr. Loomis had ordered for him and still no reaction from him. Something did happen though, on Halloween. The staff decided to throw a costume party for the kids, let them still enjoy their childhoods despite being patients. Michael's doctor suggested that his patient should be confined to his room, not wanting to trigger an incident on the anniversary of his sister's murder. The others did not agree due to how quiet and polite Michael had been. What a mistake that would prove to be.

A costume was provided, a multicolored clown outfit similar to the one he wore a year ago, and a blank white mask that almost matched his own expressionless face. If Dr. Loomis has seen the costume provided for him, he would have shut the party down. But, he got called away by his wife. And back then, he didn't know the depths of Michael's evil.

That night, Illinois experiences violent thunderstorms. Rain poured, and several places even flooded. That was why Sam had to go home, they'd lost power at the house and his wife needed help.

Whilst the children played, danced, and gossiped Michael stood alone. That gave Danny the opportunity to bully him more. He pushed the seven year old to the ground, mocked his costume and told him to say something. Michael just stared up and eventually Danny got pulled away by an orderly and was told to leave Michael alone. The rest of the party went on without incident. That was, until was time to bob for apples.

One after another the children with their hands tied behind their backs stuck their faces into a bucket full of water and tried to catch a floating apple between their teeth. Michael of course, stood in the back. He was far away from the festivities. Now it was Danny's turn. He smirked and floated that he would get the biggest apple there was. At the moment he lowered his head, an enormous crack of thunder rang out and the power suddenly went out in the whole hospital.

The room was completely dark for only a minute or two before the backup generators kicked on. The kids were shaken by what had happened, but they became even more frightened when they saw that Damny's head was still in the barrel, but he wasn't moving. Nurses rushed over and brought him to the infirmary. But, it was too late. Danny was dead. They ruled it an accident, he just stayed while the lights were out. Poor kid.

As for Michael, he was in the corner of the party. He was far away from the barrel when the power went out, and when the power came back on he was still right there. There's no way he could have killed Danny in those few minutes and then rush back to the corner when the power came back on...right?

Sam Loomis was starting to have his suspicions about that when he read over the incident report.

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