Fiction Stew Writing Exercise

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So for this story my teacher had the classes take out a sheet of paper, write one word for each thing she said—each time she said a new thing the paper would be passed. (Sorry if that was a terrible explanation). Anyway, here are the words I ended up with:

1. Marine Biologist
2. Europe
3. "Fear is a liar, he will rob your rest, steal your happiness."
4. Small kitchen
5. "Look out!"
6. Dog
7. Trust
8. House

(I realized when I finished writing it I didn't use number 3, so I may have to fix that).

Small house in a large open field in Germany, house contains a small kitchen (obviously). German Shepard dog named Elijah. Main character's name is Klara, she is a marine biologist. She has a hard time trusting people. On a trip out to sea she meets a mermaid.

"Come on babe. Just one date!" The young American man, probably not even twenty yet, swung his hands around widely to exclaim how much Klara should totally gift him with a date. Klara pushed her glasses up with one finger, visibly uncomfortable. The young many gave a dashing smile. "A hot German girl like you ought to have a handsome man like me with her."

Sure, just so you can get bored with me and drop me for some other girl. Klara understood humans to be deceitful creatures. Why God decided to bless this beautiful earth with mankind was beyond her. She cast her eyes downward, avoiding his expecting look. "No. How old are you anyway? I'm probably much too old for you."

"What do you mean babe? You're like what, eighteen?"

Klara tried to hold in her laughter. Ignorant young man. She understood she looked young for her age, and despite the fact she never tried to look nice, she always seemed to attract many young men. She looked up at him, still uncomfortable, and made it clear this conversation was over. "I am twenty-eight, despite my appearance. As I said, I am much too old for you, and even if I wasn't I still wouldn't go out with you. Schönen Tag." She left him opened mouth in the coffee shop.

The sun shone bright golden rays down on her, so bright she had to squint her eyes as she walked down the street. From the coffee shop to her house was about three miles. She lived far enough to not be crowded by neighbors but close enough she could come into town to get anything she needed.

She liked the walks she made every now and then to the shops in town, it offered her a chance to enjoy nature and the scenery around her. Spring was her favorite time. The sun always shone, the grass swayed gently in breeze, the tree were full and leafy. All sorts of flower bloomed. And most importantly, it was the best time to do her job. She could go out to sea without being too cold or too hot, and not to mention there were always lots more to observe in the sea.

Her large German Shepard Elijah came barking when she entered the small house, jumping up and almost making Klara spill her coffee. "Halt! Down Junge! Sitzen!" Elijah sat obediently, his tail wagging a million miles per hour. He stared at her, his long, pink tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. Klara giggled, and walked to their small kitchen. It was just the two of them, so the house, along with all of the rooms, needn't have been large.

Klara sat down at the table, drinking her coffee and eating her breakfast. She passed a bagel to Elijah and he scarfed it down like he hadn't been feed in a year. This was their morning routine before each sea outing. This time they'd be away for a month. Just the two of them, on a boat, in the middle of the ocean. Perfect bliss. She reached a hand down and pat Elijah on the head. My one and only companion. With you who needs a man.

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