Ch. 3 Clash of the Red Rangers

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October 20, 2013

The Mountains

Cece pov
"So, we as Samurai Rangers can control elements, I have the water element, Mike has the jungle element, Mia has wind, and Emily controls Earth", says Kevin, "we have element power also, I have wind, Austin is water, while both of these two control the land, so they both can use Earth and jungle power", I say, "if we can combine our symbol power with your Gosei power, Absorber might actully be defeatable", says Mike, "I say we give it a try, this has to work, it's the only thing we got right now", says Austin, "yeah, then we'll break up into teams of elements, and we'll practice", says Gabe, "I say, if it helps, let's do it", say Mike.

We all break into teams and go to different places to train, like me amd Mia, we get a clear open field, Kevin and Austin go to the lake, Gabe and Emily get the mountains, and Rocky and Mike get a grassy area. As we train, we find out it's harder than what it is, but we can't give, and we won't, I know if Max was here, he'd say that, and it's true, we can accomplish anything, as long as we never give up.

Mia pov
As time passes by, the training got easier and easier, but after a few more tries, Cece and I finally click, as our Wind Power finally gets perfected, blowing a strong gust of wind, "yes, we did it", "yeah we did", we both say, hugging each other.

Kevin pov
Austin and I kept on trying and trying, but everytime we almost had it, it wouldn't last, "one more try", I say, as I draw a symbol and Austin activates his Power Card. As our powers hit each other, a blue symbol of his appears, and starts a water tsunami, "yes, we did it", I say.

Emily pov
"Rockrush, Activate!", "Earth Symbol Power", me and Gabe say, as we go for a 12th time, trying to perfect our combination, and they combine perfectly, as a huge boulder appears in the air, crushing the boulder way smaller like nothing, "yes, we did it", "yeah, alright", we say, high fiving each other.

Mike pov
"C'mon Rocky, one more try, we can do it, we just can't give up", "right, let's do it", we say, as I create my symbol of the jungle, while she activates her Power Card, "Jungle Symbol Power", "Vine Bender, Activate", we say, creating vines that wrap around and destroys a boulder with ease, "yes, we did it", "yeah we did"


At the Command Center

Antonio pov
"Man Max, if anything would've happened to my team, I don't think I'd be talking right now, I'd be mourning their loss, but you saved them.... except, now you're here injured", "but he's not close to dead"  I hear, recognizing the voice, so I turn around, "Lauren, hey", "hey Antonio, Mentor Ji", "Lauren, welcome, meet Gosei, Guardian of the Earth, Tensou, and Robo Knight", "Hi, good to meet you", "Robo Knight this is Jayden's older sister, I called when we got here, so she knows what happened", "yes, she's also the Red Samurai Ranger". "I have something to help us get Jayden back", says Lauren, "you do?", "yes, but I think only Max can use it", "but he's down right now, he's been unconscious for almost 6 hours now", I say, "and 6 hours was all he needed, he's waking up", she says, so I look and she's right, this'll be great news for the others.

Max pov
What happened? Where am I? What's going on? Those are questions I'm asking in my head as I'm waking up, but why was I asleep? Maybe the others can help me remember, so I open my eyes, and I see Robo Knight, Tensou, Gosei, Mentor Ji, and two others, "Max, it's good to see you're awake", says Mentor Ji, "what's going on? who are they?", I ask, "Max, this is Antonio, the Gold Samurai Ranger, and this is Lauren, Jayden's older sister, also  a Red Samurai Ranger", says Mentor Ji. "Hi Max, it's good to see you're awake, your friends are gonna be grateful", says Antonio, as I look around, "where are they?", "they went with the Samurai Rangers to train for the upcomong battle against Vrak and Absorber", says Robo Knight, "Max, Lauren needs to talk with you", "yes, and I'm gonna give you something that'll help you save Jayden from the evil Nighlok spell he's under", she says.

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