Christmas At Avengers Facility: Peter Parker Smut

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Sex, nudity and language!
Read at your own risk!

It had been two years since my dads wedding. I was a bit concerned about how Peter would act seeing as he'd be here tonight, and I remembered what happened then...


Beautiful flowers lined every inch of this place as I looked around, preparing for the reception.

"Hey! Ally!" I heard a familiar voice call out from behind me as I walked through the whimsical garden.

"Peter! You made it!" I smiled brightly as I wrapped my arms tightly around the guy who'd come to know all of my secrets.

"Hey girl." I could feel him smile into my hair as I soaked up his warm embrace.

He was such a sweetheart. Just a ray of absolute pure light! Too bad he was too young for me..
I shook the thought and released his hug.

"How are you doll?" I asked as I squeezed his shoulders.

"I'm good, You know." He shortly replied.

"Peter." I raised an eyebrow with a smirk,
"What's going on honey? You don't look so good?"

He shook his head at the ground and ran his fingers through his dark, styled hair.

"It's nothing really you know-"

"Don't you bullshit me boy. What's wrong?" I nudged him and linked my arm with his as I led him down the path I'd been headed down.

"It's just.... I just like this girl..." Peter nervously said.

"Ooo a girl huh? Does she like you too? You haven't really had anyone since Liz have you?" I asked him.

"I didn't even really have Liz... but yeah, no I haven't.." he responded quietly. I could tell this was bothersome to him.

"Well, does she like you? Do you two talk?" I asked as I tried to let him vent.

"Every day. Every. Single. Day. And I like her more and more. I think I might be falling for her and I'm afraid if I don't tell her now, I'll lose my chance to some other superhero." He muttered.

"Oh so she knows you're Spider-Man huh? You two must be pretty serious!" I smiled and squeezed his arm.

"I just don't know Ally! You know!? I don't know what to do! Do I tell her I'm falling in love with her? Even if I know it probably will never work out!?" Peter stressed even more now.

"Look, darling," I said as I stopped us walking just over a small bridge with a cute creek running quietly under it,
"If you really feel this way Peter, you should tell her. Like you said, before it's too late." I nodded to him encouragingly before turning to continue walking.

"Ally, Wait." He said shakily as he pulled my hand back toward him.

I now stood face to face with a blushing, nervous, sweaty teenager with the most adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Alana Grace I think I'm falling in love with you." He rambled out seriously.

We'd practiced things he would say to someone before actually saying it to make sure he sounded well enough many of times! So I thought nothing of it.

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