Wait Hold up what just happened??? - Chapter seven

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Hey guys I am sorry I couldn't post sooner but at least I posted it :)

I hav so MUCH assignments to do, it is depressing :(

all well, so that means I won't be posting everyday ok sorry I want to but I can't. 

enjoy :) 

Isabella xx


** Chapter seven ** Wait Hold up what just happened???

Brianna’s POV 

He asked me If me and Isabella wanted to go into his apartment and just like chat and that and meet his roommates. I wasn’t sure what to do I don’t even no this guy and he is already inviting me over but he said it was a way of saying sorry. Anyways so I looked over to isabella to see what she wanted to do and she was nodding her head to say yes she wants to go in. Oh my gosh isabella why do i do these things for you?? “Ok thank-you we will be delighted to” I told the boy in my politest manners. i saw out of the corner of my eye Isabella laughing but trying to cover it up with a cough, I shot her a glare but she just stuck her tongue out at me and I just rolled my eyes. 

The boy which I bumped into led us to his apartment and opened the door and there was four HOT guys sitting on the coach talking and watching TV. the boys all turned around to look at us and I couldn’t believe who I was looking at it was the one and only ONE DIRECTION OMG is this a dream because if it is please don’t pinch me. I want this to last forever, then Liam spook up “uh Hi there, Niall who are they?” He whispered but loud enough for me to hear what he was saying into Niall’s ear. I just let out a slight giggle which made them look at me. I blushed the slightest bit and tried to cover it up. “Well actually I don’t no there names! I bumped up to them just before and because I am a nice person I let them in, sort of like saying sorry type of thing you no.” Niall told him. “Oh ok” Liam said “welcome” he turned to us and shook our hands. “I’m Liam” He said. “Hi I’m Brianna and this is my friend Isabella” I said pointing to my best friend. “Hi isabella spook up. “Hey I’m Zayn” Zayn said shaking our hands. “I’m Louis” Louis shouted happily while jumping up and down. I wander what he eats to make him this high? “Hi i’m Harry” Harry said while getting up and shaking out hands. 

We all sat down on the couch and just talked to each other for a while. It is really easy talking to these boys, you can say anything and they don’t judge you, which is a good thing. “so are you guys still at school?” Harry asked us. Isabella answered his question because I was to busy talking to Liam and Niall about something. “um, yer we are, were in our last year at school.” “cool, so that means your 18, right?” He asked me. “well, were 17 but turning 18 soon” I answered his question truthfully. “that’s nice” He said. We kept talking about ourselves and what we do and so on, stuff like that you know. 

A couple of hours have past and we were still talking and just chatting when Louis said that we should put a movie on. “Let’s watch a movie please”  “Okay, what movie?” Zayn asked.

“Finding Nemo”




“Horror movie”

They were all arguing about what movie to watch it was hilarious. Me and Isabella were laughing so hard it hurt. 

They kept arguing for about 10 minutes. until they all agreed to watch something that we wanted to watch. They said it was only fair for us to choose the movie because we were guests and that. Isabella said that I should choose the movie, so I did and guess what I chose. Yes you got it right I chose White Chicks. You might be thinking why does a bunch of teenage boys has a chick flick movie??? I don’t even get it myself but I was quite happy that they did. “Hey guys, i was just wondering why do you have a chick flick???” I asked suspicion clear on my face. “you never know when someone comes to your door and asks to watch a movie with you” Niall winked at me. I rolled my ears. ANd I thought Harry was the flirt of the group. “Can we just watch the movie please” I practically begged them to put the movie on and start watching it. 

After the movie was over, we talked a bit more. yes we talked basically the WHOLE time. What do you expect we are girls, but I would have thought the guys wouldn’t like talking but after today I would have to rethink that thought. 

I was about to get up from the where I was sitting to go home. But instead I got pulled back down on the arm by Niall. Why is everyone pulling me n the arm today??? do I have a sign saying ‘hey you go pull my arm’???? I didn’t think so. 

He pulled me down back on the coach and said “sorry for that, Love but um it was fun today. hope to see you again” I smiled to him. Then he pulled me into a bone crushing hug but was saved my Louis. “hey, she is not all yours I want a hug” Louis said and with that he pulled me into another bone crushing hug but this was tighter than the other one. “ Louis.....I-can’t-bre-athe” I tried to make out the words of what I was going to say but it was hard because I couldn’t breathe. He let me go after he heard that I could hardly talk. “sorry bout that, I just like hugs “ Louis told me. “I kinda guessed that” I giggled once he said that. “my turn, but don’t worry I won’t kill you” Liam stated. He hugged me tightly but not to tightly like Louis did which was really good. Zayn and Harry did the exact same to me. They all did it to Isabella as well giving her bone crushing hugs. Zayn gave Isabella the longest hug out. It wasn’t one that you would notice but being me I notice the most smallest things out. I need to talk to her when we got our apartment. When he let go of her we made our way to the door and walked out of there apartment and started walking to our own one.  



how did u like it??? 

gonna do some of my assignments now byee xx

tell me wat will happen next ok:) 

isabella xx VOTE + COMMENT + FAN x

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