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(this is a jordomi chapter)

I shake my head and laugh as Jordan shows me the new magic card trick he just learned.

"Alright," he says, after shuffling his cards for five minutes, dropping another one every time he starts over. He fans out the cards for me. "Choose one."

Bennett and Declan cough.

"Yeah, Naomi," Declan says. "Choose one."

I roll my eyes as they all laugh, tired of them nagging me for months about choosing one of them. "For your information, I already have." Woah. Did I really just say that out loud? I cover my mouth in surprise. I just spilled the secret I've been keeping for two months now.

"WHAT?" they all scream in unison.

I sigh. "I was going to keep it from you, but yeah, I chose one."

"Who is it?" asks Jordan, dropping down to his knees. "Is it me? Please let it be me!" He folds his hands and shakes them at me.

"Is it me?" asks Declan, his tone barely a whisper, making it hard to even make out what he's saying.

Bennett just stares, a hint of sadness on his face, but mostly just question.

I shake my head. "I'm not telling."

"Aw, come on!" they say union.

"Please?" Jordan begs.


"Please?" now Declan is also down on his knees, right next to Jordan. Bennett just stands next to them, staring at me, a pleading look on his face.

"No. And that's final."

They all groan.

"You're so mean," Jordan says, standing up, but crossing his arms, pouting.

"No, actually I'm doing this so I won't hurt our friendship. I don't want to be the one responsible for us splitting up."

"You won't be, though," Bennett says. "It would be our fault," He motions to Declan, Jordan, and him. "Because we're the ones who started a fight over it."

Jordan and Declan nod.

"See? So you can tell us. We won't get in a fight," Declan says.

"Yeah! We're responsible men," says Jordan, puffing out his chest and flexing his muscles.

I giggle and shake my head, tapping his nose. "Still not telling."

He drops his arms. "Please?"





"No, Jordan!"

Suddenly he starts walking towards me. "I'll get it out of you."

I look around, panicked, before spinning around and running towards the stairs. "No you won't."

"C'mon guys! Let's get her!" Jordan yells to Declan and Bennett, motioning for them to follow him as he runs after me.

I bolt up the stairs with the guys at my heels, and head to my bedroom.

Jordan grabs my wrist just as I'm about to enter my room, pulling me back to him.

Our bodies slam into each other and if he wouldn't be so much taller than me our faces would've smacked together.

"I-uh-" I stutter.

His facial expression turns from surprise into a mischievous smile as he takes my other wrist into his hand. "So, Naomi, now that you're uncomfortable, and unable to move away, who is it? Who did you choose?"

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