bEnOmI y'AlL

208 13 22

(this is a Bennomi chapter)

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow," Bennet and Jordan whine as I pull them into the spare room.

I let them go and shut the door as they let out sighs of relief.

"Now shut up and listen!" I yell at them.

Simultaneously, they roll their eyes and say, "Fine."

"Woah..." we all say at the same time. "Stop! Stop it! That's creepy!"

I sigh. "Anyways, today is Declan's birthday! We need to throw him a party! I figured I should probably ask you guys for help this time after what happened last time..."

"Oh, yeah." Bennett says while Jordan snorts, trying to hold back his laughter.

"That was a very interesting party, Naomi," he says.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. So, Jordan," I hand him a list of party decorations, "I need you to go to the store and buy those for the party. Bennett and I will bake the cake and then we can all put up decorations together. And by the way, both of you guys need to buy him a present."

"We will," says Jordan, rolling his eyes.

"Already have," says Bennett.

"I will."

I chuckle. "Okay, well, Jordan, get going. Once Declan has left with his dad to go to the football game, Bennett and I will start working on the cake."


Declan leaves after about ten minutes and Bennett and I get to work.

"Alright," Bennett says, pulling out a recipe book and flipping through it.

"What kind of cake are we making?" I ask, stepping to his side and putting my hand on his shoulder. I look up and see his cheeks flushing up.

He backs up a little. "Uhh, um. Hm?"

"The cake. What kind are we making?" I ask, stifling a giggle.

"Oh, um, I was thinking a three layered round cake split into three triangles, one strawberry, one vanilla, and one chocolate."

I smile. "Good idea."

"Yeah, and I was thinking maybe a strawberry on top right in the middle?"

"Yeah, yeah, I like that."

He smiles. "We'll have to make three cakes, so this is gonna take a while. Let's start with the chocolate cake first."

I roll my eyes. "Of course."

"Shut up. So it says here we need flour, sugar, cocoa..."

I look through the cupboards, taking out each ingredient and setting it on the counter.

We begin to bake, well, Bennett begins to bake while I hand him the ingredients.

"Are you going to let me do anything or...?" I ask him.

"Uhh, yes," he says, adding baking soda to the bowl of dry ingredients.

I let out a sigh of relief. "What can I do?"

"You, get to-" he pushes the bowl to me, pulling a door out of the counter and grabbing a wooden spoon, plopping it into the bowl- "stir!"

I stare at the bowl with a blank expression. "Are you serious? That's it? I know how to bake a cake you know."

"I know," he says. "I just..." he trails off.

"You just don't want me to mess it up."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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