Chapter 2

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Authors POV

"Chanyeol my baby can you hear me?" Mrs Park tried her best to hold in her tears as she struggled to wake her son.

As soon as they got to the house they called for him but did not get a response. 

As soon as they entered the house they found him unconscious on the floor but what broke them was the bite mark on his shoulder.

He had been bitten by a werewolf.

"How could this happen? We told him never to allow anyone in" Mr Park said in frustration.

"Does that really matter right now. I'm more worried that this could kill him" Mrs Park screamed in distress.

She could not have children and was barren. Then finally they got help from a witch and she finally had Chanyeol.

She couldn't lose her only child. Her little miracle.

The witch had warned them that the minute he got exposed to the outside world was the minute they would lose him.

She was not ready to lose him.

"We need to get out of here. We need to leave" Mr Park said but before his wife could respond they heard wolves howling just outside their house.

"Mo-mom" Chanyeol whispered as he gained conciousness.

"Oh my baby. What happened to you?" she burst into tears as she held him tighter.

"He...he said he...wouldn't...hurt me" Chanyeol struggled to speak in his weak state.

"Oh no what have you done? We told you not to let anyone in you stupid child" Mr Park said in anger and frustration  but regretted his words when he saw the look in his wifes eyes.

But before he could apologize the house shook.

They then heard a loud bang and soon the front door was on the ground.

Mr Park tried to get a gun but was tackled to the ground by a bigger man while the rest of the house was filled with wolves.

Mrs Park screamed when she watched them beat her husband.

"Slow down you idiot. We need them alive. You know the vampires like them fresh and pay good money for damage free goods" Chanyeol recognized that voice as he raised his head to see Kris.

His whole world broke down. Kris fooled him and used him. Now it was his fault his family was in danger. But he was too weak and useless to help. Now he understood why they had done so much to protect him but it was too late now.

His mother screamed and fought as they separated her from her son but they covered her face with a cloth and soon she was limp and unconscious.

Another man picked up Chanyeol but stopped before sniffing him.

"Damn it. This one has been bitten. He can't be sold" he said throwing the boy back on the ground.

"I guess we don't need him. Just leave him" Kris said but then their Alpha walked into the room.

He walked up to Chanyeol and looked into his eyes before he smirked.

"What a shame. The vampires would have paid good money for a beauty like you. Maybe after his transition he could be useful. I could use more warriors in my pack. Take him to the packhouse" the alpha said and they moved out.

Kris was thrown against the wall with a hand around his throat blocking the movement of air.

"You might have been able to hide your scent from everyone else but I could smell you off that boy. You made me lose out on a lot of money son. He better transition into a strong wolf or I will kill him myself" the Alpha said before throwing Kris across the room.

Kris regretted biting Chanyeol but he couldn't allow them to sell him off to be vampire food. He would have never survived. 

It was true he was a rare beauty. On that even Kris couldn't resist.

The day he had had met Chanyeol was the best and worst day of him life.

Chanyeol was a precious and innocent gem who hadn't been corrupted by the world. One the werewolf desired to have.

But at the same time he was disappointed because they were not mates. This meant he could never claim him as his own.

But he felt way worse when it was finally a full moon and Chanyeol make his full transition into a wolf.

As soon as Kris entered the dungeon room he was filled with the scent that activated his protective instincts.

He didn't want to believe it but when he saw the baby blue fur covered pup he knew Chanyeol was an omega  and that wasn't good at all.

What was worse was that he couldn't completely shift back to his human form. Kris didn't know what this meant as he gazed at the human boy with wolf ears and a fluffy tail but he knew it wasn't a good sign.

His father was furious when he found out and Kris begged him to allow Chanyeol to live.

Beaten and bruised the Alpha ended up leaving Chanyeol alive but made sure to leave long lasting venon traced claw marks on the left side of his face.

Damaging him for life because without his beauty he was nothing.

From then on he became the pack slave.

He cleaned,  cooked and did all the household chores which included beatings on the side since he was also the packs punching bag.

He didn't fight it though.

He blamed himself for all that happened. It was his fault his parents were taken and most probably dead by now.

It was his fault he trusted a man who bit him and turned him into a werewolf.

And to top it all off even as a werewolf  he was still useless because he turned into a useless runt. A useless omega who couldn't even shift properly.

He was not strong and he was reminded by the alpha everyday that he only lived for the pleasure of the pack and nothing else.

A fate which he accepted.


Did Kris do a good or bad thing? Should he have left Chanyeol to be sold to vampires?

Will Chanyeol be able to survive the world he has been thrown into?

What do you think will happen next?


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