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Tin's car pulled up to the he shared dorm buildings, rumbling to a stop. The grand looking BMW was out of place in the common students dorms. He exited the car and sighed as he looked up at his new home. The building was a typical hostel looking building and definitely below Tin's usual standard. He was used to staying in lavish hotels decorated richly and full of men in suits and women in flowing dresses. This was certainly a change from his world. He would have to get used to it. He shook his head and pushed past the glass door and entered his new home.

After he had stormed out of the house that morning, Tin had immediately gotten to work on trying to find a new dorm. It had become his only goal. He decided that to get an available room by tonight would have been impossible if he didn't pull some strings. And he decided he needs time to do that. So here he was skipping school that day and sipping black coffee in a small café while he made several calls.

A good four hours later, someone finally reached out to him with availability in the boy's dorm room. Tin had started to lose hope, and his mind was starting to wander to thoughts of having to go back to the hostility of his own home. He couldn't imagine having to eat his words and stay the night. He decided that he wouldn't. He couldn't. His mother would delight in seeing him crawl back and his pride would not let her have that. He let out a long breath of relief as his screen lit up and his phone started buzzing against the wood table. He picked it up almost instantly and answered the phone in the nicest tone he could muster.

"Hello? Yes, I would like to speak with you about the availability in the boy's dorm room?"

"Yeah we're pretty packed this year but coincidentally two kids moved out from a shared dorm, so you can have it by tomorrow." a girl answered in a disinterested voice and Tin could hear the squelching of her bubble gum through the phone. He cringed but pressed on.

"Thank you ... wait, did you say shared dorm?"

"Yeah sorry all the single dorms are taken, this is all that's available." Tin almost reached through the phone and strangled the girl who had just popped a bubble into the speaker.

"Umm, okay. Is there already another resident there? "As much as Tin hated the idea of having to live with another person, he was desperate. He figured he could always just scare away whoever dared to live with him.

"Yeah, we got another call this morning so you have a roommate."

Tin cursed under his breath as he pulled at the tips of his hair in frustration.

"So are you gonna take it or not man?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess I'll take it.", Tin grumbled. He hated having to settle for this but he hated living at his existing home even more. He decided he would just suck it up for the sake of his ego.

"Well okay then. The payment is due at the end of every month. You can move in starting tomorrow because no one's cleaned it yet."

"Tomorrow? Is it possible if I could stay there tonight?"

"Uhh I mean sure you could, but it's completely empty and kinda dusty."

Tin was getting more and more pissed off by the second. He would NOT go back home for tonight. He tightened his jaw and resolution.

"Umm, can I come and take the keys right now?"

"Yeah sure whatever man"

Tin hung up the phone and let his head hang between his legs. This whole "idea" of his to leave his home and live by himself was not working in any aspect. Fuck. Now he would have to suck it up and live with someone in a shared dorm.

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