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"Does he hate me?" Seokjin whispered chocking his tears with his palm before it could roll down on his cheek. Seeing Jungkook for the first time in years was a harsh awakening from the virtual reality his parents and surrounding weaved and forced him into.
However before his pity party could start a hand shaking his shoulder made him stop and look.
"what's wrong?"
"Nothing Joon."
"Seokjin,  you're not a kid anymore so how about  you tell me what's really going on with you?"
Namjoon sighed deeply before going to grab his leather jacket,  phone and car key.
"I am going if you needed anything,  just give me a call and about that man you told me about."
"I don't have a good feeling Jin about this whole modeling thing Jin."
"Joonah, you haven't met him yet and you're the one who always tell me to not judge a book by it cover."
"Don't use my words against me kid. Anyway I'll be going now. And how about we go to the beach tomorrow?"
"Sounds beautiful. Now get your ass out I want to watch my drama peacefully." more like rewatching Jungkook's performance.
"Yah! You disrespectful brat!"


"Repeat." the vocal coach said in a stern tone while eyeing the young Idol in front of him.
"Take my hands now,  you are the cause of my Euphoria-"
"Okay stop stop . What's wrong Jungkook?  That's the first time your voice crack this much."
"Sorry coach. I am exhausted."
"Son, you're like a singing machine. So you better tell me now what's upsetting you."
Truth was always a hard knot his tongue got cursed with. He really wanted to tell him what's wrong, express himself...but no word came.
He needs a cigarette now.
The man sighed before patting his back.
"Drink some warm water and have some rest."
"Thank you sir."

Jungkook's gaze got lost in the empty seats facing the stage he was standing on. A single light was on and he was in the spot. It felt so empty. Just like the time he was left alone in an orphanage. But there was a time,  he found someone,  someone so young just like a fresh rose,  to open the old creaking door of their apartment and say "Welcome home" to him with his pearly white smile.
But that someone left.
Jungkook need to believe it and get through this.

"Earth to Jungkook." Taehyung said while nudging his side.
"Jungkook is here." Jk replied while holding his ear piece.
"Received."  Tae replied with a small chuckle displaying his boxy smile and Jk managed to crack a small one back. "what got you here V?"
"Came to tell you that tomorrow is a free day. That's what manager nim said."
"B-but our fans?! The concert?!"
"It's only delayed to the next day don't worry and if anyone want a refund they can do it."
"What did Yoongi says about it?"
"He's literally hugging his pillows right now and told me to wake him up when the concert starts."
"Well that's good."
"Beach tomorrow?"
"I don't know...I need some rest and maybe sleep."
"Think about it."


Under a beach  umbrella,  Seokjin  was laying on the lounge  chair with a pair of Gucci sunglasses on his eyes after applying a generous amount of sunscreen all over his smooth skin. Instead of music,  he enjoyed the relaxing sound of waves.
"Joon!" he called removing the glasses and the other immediately looked at him.
"A crab over there!" once he said the Holy word,  Namjoon was racing to the spot Seokjin pointed at.
He was older than him but he's a child at heart especially when it comes to his little sea creatures . Jin learned that Namjoon has nothing to do with what his own parents did but also have to follow orders in order not create conflicts.
"Aish where is he?" Jin started looking around for him but apparently Namjoon dissappeared somewhere...or wore a Harry Potter cap...any explanation makes sense.
"Hello there beautiful, I didn't expect to see you here."
That sounds familiar.
Jin turned to face the person whom definitely called him.
He preferred handsome but who is he to deny his ethereal beauty.
"Mr.Kim Moonbin. Hello sir."
The man eyed him throughly for a moment before nodding.
"You'd be perfect for our summer magazine,  I can already see it."
"Thank you."
"So have you thought about the contract sugar? I assure you a lot of money,  fame and good things are coming."
"I am sorry not yet....I still have to tell my parents and.. Yeah."
"Give me a call when you do. Don't make me heard No from those lips okay?" Moonbin said while gently holding Jin's wrist and rubbing it with his thumb,  giving him a bright smile.
"Seokjin-ah baby,  how about-"
"Excuse me." Namjoon who suddenly came took Jin's arm and pulled him away from Moonbin.
"I am Kim Namjoon and you're not allowed to touch my cousin like that unless he's okay with it."
"Oh I am sorry for the misunderstanding, see you later gentlemen."

Namjoon turned to Seokjin.
"I know I over reacted."
"Not really...Thanks for the save Joon. I can see why you told me that you don't have a good feeling about him."
"Kid relax.  You have me on your side. How about we go for a cold drink."


"He's guilty." Jungkook muttered before gulping his wine,  his mind painfully digging the past. They say drinking drawn your problems and dark thoughts... Apparently Jungkook's learned how to swim and they made him very sober even in his drunken state.
He chuckled bitterly. What a joke..  He have the whole world but it feels empty.
"Jungkook what are you doing here?"
Their manager who came out of blue,  whispered while looking around to check if anyone saw them.
"What does it look like?"
"What will happens if your fan saw you like this?"
"Let's go home."
" go ahead...just one more drink."
"Please...I just want to feel less pain."
"Don't be late."

Jungkook exited the bar with heavy legs,  with his sober ear he could hear shouting and cursing as if someone was in the middle of a fight.
He turned on his shoes and walked toward the alley nearby where all the noises coming.
The first thing he saw was a man getting stabbed.
"HEY YOU!" he shouted at the attackers but they ran away and the injured fell to the ground.
"Hey man, open your eyes. Don't close." he said reaching for the phone with shaky hands,  part from his drunken state part from what he saw.
"I need an ambulance immediately. There's a fatally injured man. Yes please hurry."
The man murmuring a few incoherent stuff.
"Sir please don't talk."
"My cousin." he said again.
"They'll go after your cousin?!" Jk asked trying to press his jacket on the man's wound.
He coughed blood.
The ambulance siren was heard,  Jungkook sighed in relief. But what he heard next made him freeze.
" Seokjin."

B E  C O N T I N U E D...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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