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They say I'm  beautiful inside and outside 
They say I'm and looks like I have no problems

But I'm not
I'm not happy
I can have problems too

All of the beautiful things they say
about me are just the opposite
of what I think of me 

I'm not perfect
I have faults too
I may seem too happy
that's why no one considered
about my feelings

I always think about them,
cheering them up 
but what about me?
I am a human too
I can feel sadness sometimes
But why no one asks me how do I feel?

I'm may seem too happy outside
but inside I'm broken
I am so good at pretending I'm happy
while I'm totally not 
but I'm tired and sick of pretending for what I really feel

                                 ORIGINAL (by me)


They say I'm beautiful inside and out
 They say I'm happy because I'm always smiling
 and looks like I have no problems
But I'm not
 I'm not happy
I can have problems too
 All of the beautiful things they say to me
 are just the opposite of what I think of me

 Im not perfect I have faults too
I may seem too happy
 that's why no one asks me if how do I feel

I always think about them, cheering them up but
what about me? 
I'm a human too but why they didn't think about my feelings
I'm not happy inside
I'm so good at pretending I'm happy while I'm not
But that pretending have to end
Because I'm sick of pretending that I am happy While I'm not  

Hugot at mga payoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin