where they find you

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"Hmm I have already finished eating everyone's soul in that village, let me see if there were any runners."

waawaaa *more baby noises*

"What is that horrid noise, when I see who is making this noise I will surely eat there soul- Oh you, are surely an annoying creature, but you are fascinating I will let you live, make you powerful I will raise you myself and we could rule the world with the other commandments".

*noise of acceptence*

"But who will let you in this misrebale forest"

"Never mind that I will name you (y/n)".


"So derieri what will you like to do?" Hmmm "That isn't an answer but you stay here i'll go and fetch some soul for us be back in a bit". "But i'm bored, well monspeet already left i'll just go by the river, humans say its relaxing."

(At the river)

*baby noises*

"Whats with the noise? its annoying, but someone has to be doing it- "Oh, what is that it looks human but its to small, and it has no fur so its no animal what is it"?

"If I pick you up will you shutup! (baby noises intensify) "Fine I did happy- , know that I can see you more closely you are a bit beautful. "Well I guess I can take care of you, train you."

And we could rule this earth with the other commandments but before that I will name you (y/n) how does that sound?"

*nods in satisfactory*


"Well since you're busy building for the festival I'll go see who is close by."

*baby noises*

"What is that- huh I think its a baby? What is it doing here in a alley way? Maybe a human threw it cause they didn't want to take care of you."

Dam humans, why do I care anyways I guess I'll take care of you, I'll raise you up make you powerful and then we could rule this earth with the other commandments."

"Since someone in this village abandoned you, I guess the whole village has to pay. This village didn't see this coming did they huh, thats why you don't abandoned babies humans.

"Well since your village is burning down, I Guess I should name you how does (y/n) sound like?"

*Noise of acceptence*


"I haven't found any humans yet, but I hope I do- (baby noises) He speak of the devil." What is that who would put this thing in a tree?" (LOUD BABY NOISE) Damm what the hell was that for!"

Never mind What if I pick you up human thin, how does that sound? You truly are lucky I haven't taken your soul human thing.

Well I guess I can take care of you, train you and we could both rule the world with the other commandments. And I swear if any of them hurt or touch you they will regret it, well except derier, she could be your mommy."

I should name you, well then how does (y/n) sound like?"

*noise of acceptence*

Well then (y/n) Lets go back shall we?"


"Oii, Galand whats that thing in your arms?"

Hehe wouldn't yoU like to knoW, But iF yoU reallY want TO knoW itS a babbY HUman." "What are you going to do with it, if your going to kill it I suggest that you don't." AnD wHy YoU SaY tHAt WHAt HaPPeNs If I do KilLL wHaT wIl yOU dO AbOut It, "Then I won't hesitate to kill you."

FiNe wHaTeVer You CoULd HaVe it "Good choice"

"Why did I save you I could've let galand kill you but I didn't, whatever I will protect you make you strong love you and we could both rule the world with the other commandments.

But first of all you truly are quiet for a baby, I guess I shouldn't complain I should be grateful.

"Right (y/n) ya (y/n) is a perfect name for you."


"Listen up human baby thing you should be grateful that I saved you, I don't know why I did it but I felt something very powerful radiating off of you, and if I let you grow up   with your normal family and they tell you about me, or if my brother meliodas and his friends find you then you will surely kill me."
"So I decided if I train and make you more powerful than you seem to be, I could use you to kill my brother and his friends, and help me rule this earth."
"So don't think of anything else,  I'm not you're parent or friend you are just my pawn."

The ten commandments daughter scenarios  Seven Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now