They're Proud Of You

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HEY, it's been awhile. Sorry for not updating in long time, but I'll try to update more often.
This was requested by: @Euterp55
(Y/n) was a smart girl (at times) and would usually listen only to her mother. That's all she needed to do, she just needed to listen to her mom. That's the only thing that keeps her alive. If she didn't, then she would've been dead. But there's alway the thing that her mother loves her. But soon (Y/n) was slowly thinking that her mother doesn't love her.
Melascula though is proud of (Y/n), her daughter listen to her without fail. She did make her daughter into a perfect doll after all.

Derieri was always proud of you even if you two argued on the regular. And of course monspeet was proud of you! Being sorta your father figure for most of your life. But this one moment where you made both of them really proud of you is when you punched melascula in the face. And actually survived.
"Mom! Can I go as well?"
"No (Y/N) it's to dangerous, and I want you to stay here just Incase something attack's the hideout and if I'm not there they'll need backup."
"Fineee, but I'm not gonna stay put forever!" You crosses your arms and pouted towards your mother. "Whatever, I'll be back." She quickly flew up as the dark marks around morphed Into wings. "Bye mom!" You waved farewell and waited for her figure to disappear before you started your mischief.
But that's the problem, you don't know where to start. Of course you thought hard about it but nothing interesting came to mind. Well that was when melascula crosses your vision.
You see melascula came back without feasting on any humans, and was in a very shitty mood. And of course you wanted to make it worse. First on the list: make yourself known. "Hey melascula how did the hunt go?"
"If your really that interested, it went horrible." Good you hooked her.
Second on the list: make her come closer so your target will be easier to hit.
"Hey melascula! Come here I have to show you something."
"Well? I have nothing else to do so sure." Alright your plans almost ready
Final thing to do: take aim and strike.
"So what did you want to show me-
You punched her right across the faces, right as your fist landed the blow you quickly booked it. "You'll never catch me alive!" You yelled your voice mighty as you held the fist you punched her with right into the sun.

When isn't he proud of you! Of course everyone has their moments form here and there. But compared to all the things that made him proud of you, they really don't matter! But the one thing that made him him super proud of you, was when you stole a Chunchon of hair from zeldris, and stuck it on the butt of a paper donkey. Well because you wanted to play pin the tail, and the paper donkey didn't have one.
"(Y/N) where are you going?"
"Hmm? Oh I'm gonna look for a tail!"
"I see, don't get into trouble then."
"I won't." Liar
As for the search of your donkey tail continued it really didn't take long since you already found your target. You took out a dagger from your pocket(which your dad bought you) and slowly started sneaking on your target. "I know your there (Y/N), your not sneaking up on me." Welp covered blown.
"Ha heyy zeldris, um well- LOOK ITS GELDA!"
"HUH WHERE?" That was your moment to strike. You ran towards him and grabbed a chunk of his hair and with you dagger cut it. Right as you got the hair you ran into the sunset.

DUDE MONSPEET IS YOUR NUMBER ONE SUPPORTER! Anything you do will make him proud your his kid! Well considering we aren't talking about the part where he disowned you. Heheh sorry about that. Well I mean when you were his kid he was proud of you. If only you were still his kid, you would have done more things he would be proud of.

Ya! His proud of you, your his chick magnet. You get him all the babes! And well he uh also thinks your good at fighting and uh. That's it really. You try your best and well other people are proud of you! Your uncle Zel! And well he barely shows it his proud. Maybe you just haven't really explored your dads full heart. Maybe if you make up with him. Maybe you'll get to see the real him again.

His proud, you'll make a fine weapon one day. You'll defeat the sins, and help your father becomes the demon king. Simple as that.
No not really deep down your fathers heart is crying. He wants to see his lover again. He wants to see Meliodas and tell how much he cares for his big brother. He wants to break free from his fathers curse. And he wants to tell you how much he loves you. Maybe ones day you'll help him from his curse.
Well sorta, sorry I haven't been updating, I've been procrastinating about writing this but I'm super glad I did. I know 2020 is a sucky year- hold up lemme rephrase that.
FUCK 2020. A big F U to ms. Rona and not only that but the BLM matter movement. I really hope you guys been signing petitions and using your voice to speak out about this. And this is the only platform where I could use my voice to spread awareness. So be safe and have a good night\day.

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