You make up

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Hope you enjoyed, continuation from last chapter requested by Midg1234
"(Y/n) been gone for a few hours and I'm so worried, I didn't mean to eat her 'friend' I just wanted her to my self".  "Wow aren't you selfish." "Quite Gloxina! I know I just felt like I needed to protect her, but I didn't know for what." "Well why don't you go look for her, she might get hurt and if you say sorry she may forgive you." "Your right I'll go look for her."

(Time skip)
"(Y/N) where are you! Please I'm worried about you! I-i-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kill your friend I just wanted to protect you really."
"Do you really mean it though, mama why do you hurt people?" "(Y/n)! There you are I was worried sick!" "Answer my question mama." "Your to young for the real answer so please
(y/n) I'm sorry."
"You really mean it, like do you really mean it." "Yes I do truly." "Well promise me you'll never do it again." "I promise." "Good, love you mama."

"Monspeet help me find (y/n)! Please I feel terrible." "Hey you stay here and I'll go and look for her." "You sure you want to." "Ya be right back."
(Time skip)
"(Y/n) come out, I know your out here somewhere."  "How the heck did you find me! And why you? Why not mom doesn't she care." "That's not the case, I wanted to come find you, now let's go your moms worried." "Like she'll care." "She does now please let's go."  "Fine I guess."
(Time skip)
"(Y/n) I was so worried! Are you okay are you hurt?" "Mom I'm fine I'm-I" "Tell your mom what you want to say." "Wait I'm on it Mon!" "I'm sorry mom! I really I'm, I over reacted and maybe instead of cutting my hair, why not brush it."
"Your right sorry (y/n) should have thought of that before." "We good now ma?" "Ya we're good."

"Melascula I need your help." "What is it (y/n) did something bad happen?" "Yes I yelled at papa and I think I made him upset." "Well how about I show you where he is and then you could apologize."
"But I said that I would never talk to him again." "Did you mean it though." "No, I don't know what I'll do if I could never talk to papa."
"Well then let's go and you could apologize."
(Time skip)
"Gloxina (y/n) wants to say something to you and it's very important." "What is it (y/n)?" "I'm very sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you and said that I'll never talk to you again." "It's fine (y/n), and I'm sorry to I knew how much your bear meant to you." "It's fine papa." "Ya everything's just fine."

"Hey (y/n), you can't be mad at your dad for forever."  "But I'm not mad I'm just sad, upset, I don't know." "Well your dads been feeling kinda down lately, Well ever since you had your alone time." "Wait really, but I just wanted him to tell me the truth."
"I know kid but how about you ask him why he was keeping it from you and how he could make it better?" "I guess."
(Time skip)
"(Y/n) I'm sorry I should've told you the truth in the first place!" "Hey dad it's fine just please don't lie to me again."  "The kids right Monspeet don't lie to them." "I know, Your right derieri, your both right."

Well here you sorta already forgave him you just call him a pervert.

"(Y/n) can you do something for me?" "What is it uncle Esste?" "Could you stretch out your arms, like in front of you."  "Okay now what?"  "Close your eyes." "What are you gonna do." "See you later (y/n)." "What's that suppose-
(No ones pov)
You couldn't finish your sentence because your were in someone's arm and were flying in the air, you shout "What is this!" You heard your dad speak to you "Your flying isn't obvious
(y/n)." You were surprised that your dad would actually do this, but then you remembered how mad you were at him so you asked the question that was in your mind "Why are you doing this!" He responded "I wanted to say sorry, I know I haven't been that great of a dad and I'm sorry I haven't been there for you lately." "Dad you didn't have to do all of this."  "Ya well I didn't have a better way to say sorry."  
"Well maybe could have asked uncle Esste, because I'm scared of heights!"  "Here I'll put us down."
(On the ground)
"So do you forgive me?" "Of course dad!" "I-I love you (y/n)."  "You said it!, I love you too dad!"
Hoped you enjoyed sorry it's been awhile!

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