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Do you know what its like to be me? To hide the pain of your life? To wake up everyday believing youre a failure? Then to have to face that day as if nothings wrong and everythings right in the world? To hear people call you things to your face and pretend like it doesnt phase you, when in reality it absolutely just tears you apart? Do you know how it feels to be torn in two and feel the only way to hold yourself together is to clutch your sides and attempt to hold your two pieces together? Do you know what its like for your heart to burn and be torn at the same time? Do you know how it feels to have your very soul shredded?

Do you know what its like when every devastating word is a bullet, a knife, a sword to your already broken heart? Do you know what its like to truly be heartbroken so heartbroken that you feel it in your very essence?

Do you know what its like to put a smile on your face everyday feeling this way?!

And then tell me this: do you know what its like to feel that some people just wish youd completely vanish, and then think they wouldnt give a shit?

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