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A couple days passed after the whole ‘your arm can extend’ revelation had occurred. To be precise it has been a week since the discovery. Ratchet had the Scraplet carefully removed from my frozen hand in a freezing room without any heat allowed in the room. Though I did try to stay out of major events; key word here is ‘try’.

So one day, when all the Autobots were not in the base. I decided to ‘clean’ the base; because I’m that bored.

“Couch is very dirty with dust bunnies underneath.” IDS said.

I had Jack  buy some cleaning supplies for me; The Autobots will be back tomorrow.

“Specifics, please.” I press the switch on the vacuum.

Jack,Miko, and Raf are busy doing something else that doesn’t require my intervention.

“There’s a lot of dirt under the couch.”  IDS said.  

If I had eyes then they would have rolled at the remark.

“And the ceiling  is full of spider webs.” IDS adds.

Spiderwebs equals spiders, it’s the natural order of things in life.

I went ahead and began cleaning the base. The Autobots sure have a big training room to practice their skills or weapons, for the matter. The IDS colorful descriptions really helped me imagine a giant room with everything dummies or practice objects for Olympic like things. It could be bigger than most training areas.My apartment is very clean, thank you.

“Bar is clean.” IDS said.

TransFans would usually assume Cyber-Organisc would live with the Autobots or in a secret base near Team Prime.I’m breaking that trend that started way back in the Transformers Animated fandom, it’s so true you have to acknowledge it.Okay little kids, there’s a little thing called having  ‘independence’ especially if you are like 18 or 19. It also means not to do what you would usually see in fanfictions—well love is another story.

Yes, there is a bar in the training room for the Autobots to set whatever weapon on the table.

“The ceiling needs to be washed.”  The IDS said.

 “Water hose, water hose, water hose.” I repeat. “Where can there be a water hose.  . .”

Knowing how to describe action: that all comes from writing in the Bayverse.

“Oh yeah!” I snap my fingers.

Ratchet had repaired the damage to my elbow and reconnected it.I used the IDS as a guide to transform the vacuum cleaner into a ceiling washer in about five minutes tops.I then used the vacuum by connecting it to the sink, and then literally jumped around on my extending legs holding the vacuum’s long wiggly slippery thing shaped like a hose. I used a big soap to clean the ceilings and then spray it with the water.

 Good thing I can’t see, or else I would be falling back on some furniture in the rooms I cleaned.

“Up and down,” I sang, hearing my voice bounce in the room. I sang it like a country song with beats to it. “Up and down goes the ceiling cleaner!”

Eventually the IDS device had to say the ceilings were clean and so was the floor.

“Creeping near to a room with medical supplies sticking out.” IDS siad.

I slap my forehead.

“And Ratchet claims to have it clean.” I mumble, sliding my hand down my face. 

Next  up is to clean Ratchet’s room.  I heard the doors open, however, it could not be possible. I hit something hard and glass like with a broom by accident. Though coming to terms that I lost a Decepticon necklace is n little bit harder, though, I can assume it’s still at Team Mech’s base for safety. Oh the wonders of the universe when you feel glad a important object is at some villain’s place, there’s gotta be something screwed up about that.

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