Part 5

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The Next Day

"I still can't believe you guys turned me into a cat."
You said while looking upset at both Mimi and Nyami.

"We're really sorry, (y/n)!"
Both Mimi and Nyami both bowed up and down.

"But it was mostly Nyami's fault!"
Mimi blew a raspberry at Nyami.

"My fault!? First of all-!"

You started to hear Mimi and Nyami both argue but then you laughed.

Mimi and Nyami both suddenly stop arguing to see and hear you laughing and smiling brightly.

Then they both started to laugh, MZD was watching in a distance smiling at the girls along with Hatena.

"Is it true that you and Roku kissed!?"
Bursted out Mimi.

"W-W-What? W-Where- !?"

Mimi laughed along with Nyami.


"Ah, so he did kiss you! That's so adorable!"

"Look Mimi! She's even turning red! How cuuute!!"

Mimi and Nyami both said happily while they jump around with joy.

"Our little (y/n) is finally growing up!"

Both Mimi and Nyami said.

"Stop it, please! You guys!"
You kept telling them while your face is as red as the kool-aid man.

Then they both hugged you.

"Awww, (y/n)!"

MZD and Hatena laughed.

• • •

"Ah... AH. AH-CHUU!"


MZD gasped.

Mimi and Nyami both screamed.


You said crying.

• • •

In the Distance...

"Ah... AH. ACHOO!"

"See Roku? That's what ya get for always bringing in strays!"
Says a girl in a yellow and green kimono.

"Put a sock in it, Kanoko. I have a feeling someone's talking about me."
Says Roku poking his nose.

"Don't tell me to put a sock in it, you jerk! Hmph!"
Says Kanoko with a pouty little face.

"Roku! (Y/n) wanted me to give you this."
Walked in Murasaki.

She hands it to Roku, they were his clothes folded neatly and there was a note on top of them.

"It's from (y/n)."
Murasaki said.

Roku took the clothes and note from Murasaki and took them to his room.

"I think I know what went on between those two."
Says Murasaki as she waves her fan teasingly.

• • •

"Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes yesterday. ~ From (y/n)"

As Roku read this note a smirk appeared on his face.

"What a cute girl."

Pop'n Music: Roku x Reader - CAT-a-strophe! Where stories live. Discover now