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tonight we'll dance

it was the next night and the band was celebrating the first show of their tour with a few friends. they decided to go dancing at a nearby popular club. they didn't have amazing dancing skills or any rhythm at all, but it seemed like a good night for a good time.

james stepped into the club with his friends. electronic music blasted through the speakers so loud that the room seemed to shake. the flashing lights made him feel like he was in a dream and he could barely make out any details of the faces around him.

his friends seemed to have all separated; some to the bar, some to the dance floor, some to the lounge area. james proceeded to grab a drink from the bar. he sat down on one of the stools and requested a beer. not so far from him was tristan and a small girl talking. tristan glanced his way and smiled.

"james! james! darling! come here!" tristan called. james grabbed his beer and headed towards tristan.

"james, this lovely lady is a fan of ours!" he gestured to the girl.

james got a look at her. it was the girl from the concert. the girl like the sunset. the girl he thought he'd never see again. she wore another flowy dress - this time it was a dark red. her hair was wavy and a bit frizzy, in a good way though. and her eyes. they were a beautiful brown. she was even more stunning face to face.

"james, this is noah. she loves to drink apple martinis and spill them on people. noah, this is james. lead guitarist of this band called the vamps and health freak," tristan introduced.

"nice to meet you," noah said, blushing a shade of red that was almost the color of her dress.

james smiled back at her. she was just too cute.

"it's nice to meet you too, noah. you're very beautiful," he replied.

'shit, you're coming on too strong,' he thought to himself.

noah turned even redder.

"thank you," she said quietly with her head looking down to her dirty vans.

"okay... well i'm gonna go. have fun you two," tristan said with a wink and he walked away.

'play it cool,' james thought.

"i like your shoes," he said awkwardly.


they awkwardly stared at her shoes.

'screw it. you've only got one chance. take it!'

he took her hand in his and boldly walked towards the dancing crowd.

"where are we going?" she asked.

"tonight we'll dance." he replied and silently cursed himself.

'wow. great. couldn't think of anything better so you quoted your own song, huh?'

wild heart // james mcveyWhere stories live. Discover now