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the ten boys woke up to a sudden loud knock at the door. junseo got scared of the knock and hid behind the tallest member, hyunjin. hyunjin laughed and then became serious as changbin got up to open the door.

they had the week off so it couldn't be their manager or any staff member. they weren't expecting any visitors either, only got7 was expected to be coming that day and they had already left.

junseo made sure hyunjin completely covered him from the person who would be behind that door. the door opened and there stood a person junseo never thought he would see again. he gulped loudly and started to shake.

there at the door stood junseo's older and much more violent brother. junseo couldn't move, he didn't know how. so all he did was scream and attach his arms permanently around hyunjin. hyunjin jumped at the sudden sound and tight hug around his torso. he turned his head to see an absolutely terrified junseo.

chan looked to the male standing at their door and glared, "what did he do to have junseo scream like that?" he thought. chan looked over to see junseo now i'm hyunjin's arms and being hugged by felix as well.

junseo's brother took the chance to step into the dorm room. seungmin was instantly in front of the man, blocking him from moving anywhere else. "now what the hell do you think you're doing?" seungmin growled at the male that he stood in front of.

"i'll kill you if you don't get the fuck out of my way. i'm hyunmin by the way." hyunmin's deep voice echoed against the walls, causing terrified shivers to go through junseo's spine. "fucking try me you bitchass." seungmin yelled back with much more dominance towards the other standing in front of him.

"seungmin, please don't! i don't want you to get hurt like me!" junseo whimpered out to the older male. seungmin turned to junseo with a glint in his eyes, "he hurt you...?" junseo shivered at seungmin's huskily deep voice, almost dropping three full octaves. junseo quickly scrambled up and out of hyunjin and felix's grip and went to seungmin.

"he has. yes, but-" junseo's sentence was cut off by hyunmin quickly walking to him and grabbing ahold of his skinny arm. all of the members were up and walking quickly to the two brothers.

"oh now you're getting it. dad and uncle sojoon are going to beat you so hard when we get back home. you're lucky we moved here." junseo whimpered at the tight grip his brother had on him and started to cry at the thought of having to see his uncle and father again.

"p-please st-op!!" junseo sobbed out, chan was immediately pushing hyunmin away from junseo and violently walking toward the older brother. jisung picked junseo up to where jisung had his arms around the boys waist and had junseo's legs around his torso. he walked away from the scene and went to his room. he sat on his bed and started to calm junseo down.

"i'm going to tell you something okay?" jisung said, receiving a nod from the young boy. "okay, so, me and the rest of the boys have a crush on you and wanted to know if you'd date us. all of us." junseo's eyes widened and he quickly nodded his head. "y-yes!! i will d-date you a-all!" jisung smiled brightly at junseo and hugged him tightly.

jisung laid down on the bed with junseo still in his arms. he started to sing junseo to sleep to help him from all the stress. once he knew junseo was asleep and comfortable, he got up and left the room. he locked the door and took the key to make sure everything went fine down in the living area.

he walked in to see hyunmin leaving the house with many scratches and bruises on his body. the door was slammed behind him and jisung was quick to run up the stairs and to his room and unlocking the door. he peaked his head in to see junseo squirming around. possibly waking up.

jisung was quick to get into the room and close the door behind him. he walked to the bed and carefully got onto it with junseo and start singing to make the boy go back into a deep sleep. he heard loud steps going up the steps and the door was opened in a panicked way.

"is he in here-" chan screamed but threw his hand over his mouth when he saw that junseo was sleeping. "he's okay...oh my goodness he's okay.." seungmin said, walking towards the bed and crouching down at the bedside junseo was laying on. he ran his fingers through junseo's soft and silky black locks.

the other boys quickly were in the room and changbin was examining junseo's dark bruise on his arm. woojin frowned seeing the bad bruise on his crush. "oh! guys i have something to tell you. let's go out of the room and to the living area so you guys don't wake him up." he glared at the boys for being loud when they had entered the room.

the others were quick to go downstairs and to the living area. "he said yes to being ours." jisung smiled as all the boys quickly cheered and jumped around happily. the boys stopped cheering when they heard a yawn come from the bottom of the stairs. there stood junseo in all his half-asleep glory.

"i'm hungry." the boys laughed and junseo laughed with them, walking towards them. jisung walked towards him as well and hugged him, the eight others joined and they stayed like that until junseo spoke again, "but for real, i'm hungry."

word count before a/n: 970

okay guys, to explain the beginning with junseo's older brother, hyunmin is junseo's older brother from australia. he is one of the siblings that wouldn't help junseo or really be all kind to

basically hyunmin is the unspoken sibling that i didn't tell anyone about.

well i hope you guys liked this chapter and i'll see you guys next update!



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