I love you so much

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"Kim fucking Taehyung open the door! Open this fucking door!!" Jungkook shouted and bang the door, some of the neighbors open their door to see what is happening. Jin told them to fuck off and mind their own business while Namjoon said sorry.

One neighbor told them that during the afternoon they heard two people shouting at each other and then a noise like broken vase or something. What scared him is when the other neighbor said she thinks she heard a gunshot. Every apartment unit is sound proof but if the neighbors heard the the two, that means it's a mess inside. Jungkook started to blame himself, if he didn't told Jimin anything he will not be-

"Sir! I have the spare key!" The security said who is running towards them, all them breath in relief. The security opened the door to the three, they saw how messy the place is. There are things here and there, but what caught their whole attention is the blood on the floor Jungkook wants to puke but gulp it down. It's not the time to be weak Jungkook, he told himself and starts to shout for Jimin's name but damn Taehyung has a huge unit.


"Taehyung where the fuck are you?!"

"I will kill you!"

"Sir, this unit has a storage room on the end of that hallway and the other rooms is on that side." The security said.

"Jin and I will check the other room. You go to the storage, do you think you can handle it alone?" Namjoon asked, Jungkook nods at him and they went to different ways.

[Before they arrived]

"You fucking texted him?!" Taehyung shouted throwing his old phone to the wall.

"Even if you broke that phone, I am sure Jungkook already received my message. Just stop Tae, let me go. Pl-ugh" another punch in his stomach from the taller.

"That's it? After all I did to get you?! After whoring myself to you?! Nuh uh. Not gonna happen! I had you first and forever will!!"

"I don't love you anymore! Why can't you just understand that and move on?! Taehyung... Tae I know I used you, I know I was wrong and stupid and I'm so sorry. But I love Jungkook, please I need to go home..ugghhh!" Taehyung started to pull his hair dragging him out of his room. It's Jimin's chance to run, so he gather all his remaining strength and push Taehyung away then runs towards the main door.

"Go! Open that door Jimin! I will shoot you." He heard so he stop and turn around, there his childhood friend and first love Taehyung standing with a gun in his hand pointing to Jimin ready to shoot.

"You're crazy. Get some help!"

"I don't need it! I need you! So stay with me or I will not have a choice and shoot you." Taehyung threatened.

"Shoot me then." Jimin challenged and runs to the main door, he knew Taehyung he will never do something like this. Oh. But he is wrong.

Taehyung shoot him on his shoulder.


"You will fucking stay quiet or I will go there and shoot Jungkook's head. Do you understand me my love?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin who keeps on fighting to be free but his hands are tied up and a gag on his mouth.

"What happened to you Tae? You are not like this." He wanted to ask but he can't talk, he just seated there shoulder bleeding and aching inside out.

"Jimin? Babe are you there?" They heard and Jimin call for Jungkook's name as clear as he can and Taehyung hit his shoulder again which made him whimper in pain.

Unhappy Anniversary // [JiKook] (C)Where stories live. Discover now