I'm so sorry.

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"Come on babe, wake up it's been 3 days. wake up now."


"I'm waiting here for you, wake up now so we can go home."


"You want that right? You want to go home to our small but homey place?"


"Let's go home."


"Please wake up now."


"I miss you."


"I love you."

Jungkook dreams for so long. He dreamed about moving out with Jimin to a new and much larger house. He dreamed about Jimin kneeling in front of him, their families and friends.

He dreamed about saying "I do" to Jimin in a simple but fantasy type beach wedding in their hometown, Busan.

He dreamed about traveling around the world, first stop is in new york then going to Hawaii to surf with his husband, flying to Malta enjoying the food and romantic view with him, going to Paris and kiss in front of Eiffel Tower, traveling the whole Japan because that was their last stop for their honeymoon.

He dreamed about adopting a little baby girl and named her MiJu. He dreamed on celebrating 10th, 25th, 50th year wedding anniversary with Jimin. Jungkook dreamed for so long, he woke up with a hands playing with his hair.

"Good Morning." The man said, and Jungkook wished he is not dreaming.

"You're awake?" He asked making Jimin nods at him.

"Omg. Jiminie!" And Jungkook throw himself to Jimin.

"Aww Ouch! B-baby!"

"Shit! Shit! I'm sorry! Should I call a nurse?! Omg!" Jungkook starts to panic.

"Hey! It's okay, I'm fine. The nurse just left before you wake up. I'm fine, just not my right shoulder." Jimin said trying to smile even in pain. Jungkook only stare at the floor, starts to play with the hem of his shirt. Ahhh this again, Jimin thought.


"I'm... I'm sorry" Jungkook whispered.

"W-what? Baby no, I should be the one saying sorry. I-"

"But I am the one who told you to go to Tae..."

"But everything will not happen if I didn't cheat on you." Jimin said his tone is full of disappointment and disgust in himself. The younger glance at him and saw how Jimin clench his fist. He grab it and rub his thumb in its skin.

"Do you love me?" Jungkook asked out of nowhere making their eyes met.

"So much. I love you so much that I hate myself for doing this to you, to me, to tae..." Jimin answered without hesitation again, making his own heart jumping in joy.

"I was about to go, Taehyung finally answered every question I have in my mind. Why he left me and why did he came back. We got into a heated argument. He hit my head with a vase, then lock me up. Then after I texted you he found the phone and started to hit me when I tried to be free then he shoot me. I don't know what happened to him, he is not the Taehyung that I know and loved. But I can't blame him, he was blinded by love and obsession." Jimin said with glassy eyes that is focusing on the window.

"I can't blame him when I am the same. I was blinded by the fact that he is back, that he came back for me like what he said. I was blinded by lust and the whole past. I was blinded that I forgot to come back in reality. I was so blinded to the point that I am cheating on you, hurting you without you knowing. When you found out, I left to talk things with Tae even though I don't know what to talk about. I just wanna hear everything and found my own answers. You know what made me realize how wrong I was? How much I want to go home to you?" Jimin asked intertwining their fingers, looking at Jungkook his beautiful, kind and sweet Jungkook.

"What?" The younger asked.

"Proposal. That I should've proposed to you 3 days ago. That made me realize how I want you to be in my life, that's why I try my best to get out of that place and go home but I can't. I never been so scared in my life Jungkook, but thinking you out of it scares me so much. You don't know how happy I was when I hear your voice calling my name, cause I know you came for me. You will save me again like what you did years ago on the rooftop of that old building. You were so brave, I'm so thankful and proud of you." Jimin sobs letting his tears run down his face like a falls but still maintaining eye contact with the younger like he still have something to say, so Jungkook let him and listen.

"I was so lost before you found me on that rooftop, I will be dead if you will leave me so please... Another chance... Give me another chance to prove myself to you again.. Let me stay with you, I will do everything to get you trust me back. I... I will do anything for you to forgive me.. p-please Jungkook.. b-baby p-please." Jimin cried pulling Jungkook's hand to kiss them both. Whispering "I'm sorry" "I'm so sorry" in each kisses.

"You're so dumb." Jungkook said pulling his hands away from the older and starts to wipe Jimin's tears away then leaned in to kiss his eyes, nose and lips. [A/N: Neoui nun ko ip-oooppsss]

"I will not be here, If I am not giving you another chance. All of us made mistakes, all of us forgives and not all of us get another chances. But, I am giving you a second chance don't fuck it up. Okay?" Jungkook said putting his forehead on Jimin's, they're staring at each others eyes.

"I promise, and i'll do my best. I love you Jungkook. I love you so much Jeon Jungkook. Thank you. Thank you baby." Jimin whispered smiling.

"I love you too, I love you so so so much Park Jimin." Jungkook respond and close their few centimeters distance with a sweet, passionate, long kiss.


Hi! 👋😁

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