First day!

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My alarm went off,Jeffrey And I woke up it was 6:30am I was so tired and I could tell Jeffrey was too but I was excited we got up and got dressed I put on the clothes Jeffrey picked out for me and he changed into the clothes I picked out for him I put my make-up on and and did my hair and Jeffrey did his hair we grabbed our school stuff and headed downstairs we ate breakfast and and I got my keychain and put my key on it and locked the door and went to the bus stop Jeffrey and I waited for the bus and a group of kids came "I'm guessing they go to our school?" Jeffrey whispered on my ear I nod my head slightly the group of kids do not seem nice I held Jeffrey's hand he looked down at our intertwined hands and then looked at me I smiled. the group of kids came over to us and one of then said "hey what bus you riding?" Jeffrey and I looked at the kids and said "8074" the kid said "oh cool us too" they all smiled and I stopped squeezing Jeffrey's hand another kid said "hey y'all two...a thing or what?" I nodded my head yes and the kid said "oh ok cool" right after he said that the bus came Jeffrey and I sat together and since it was the first day of school everyone rode the bus so we had to sit three to a seat a girl that seemed really nice sat next to Jeffrey and I Jeffrey was by the window and I was in the middle and the girl sat by the aisle Jeffrey plugged his earphones in and put one of the buds in my ear and one bud in his ear we listened to Ariana grande's new album and then Jeffrey's battery was halfway so he put it away and the girl bursts as if she been waiting to talk to me "HI!!" I giggled "um Hi what's your name?" She said "Kaelyn" Jeffrey poked his head over my shoulder towards kaelyn smiled and said "Hi I'm Jeffrey" I said "oh um I'm Ariel but call me Ari" she nodded yes and said "let me see your phone" I gave it to her and she said "here's my number **********" I stuffed my phone in my pocket and smiled at her she said "I love your outfit you know I have a shirt just like that" I said "cool and thanks I love yours too it's my favorite color" I think me and her are going to be great friends unless she's another 'brook kind' Jeffrey said "okay here we go talking about outfits" me and Kaelyn giggled I kissed Jeffrey on the cheek and said "what do YOU wanna talk about" he smiled "i don't care as long as it's not about outfits" I laughed and grabbed his hand and looked at Kaelyn "what's your first period mine is ELAR" she said "mine too...but I doubt we have the same teacher" I said "oh...true what teacher do you have!" She took her binder out if her backpack and said "ummm oh right here umm her name is misses Hayley" I grabbed my binder out of my backpack and opened it up and looked at the page in the pocket it said •Mrs.Hayley• I said "oh yay me too and so does Jeffrey" the bus made a stop I looked out the window we were at school...already that was fast I slipped my binder back in my backpack and zipped my back pack up and held Jeffrey's hand out the bus.we went inside the school and and a teacher who seemed very very strict was telling the kids to go to the cafeteria for breakfast none of us were hungry so we went to first period the desks were set in groups of 3 so of course Kaelyn,Jeffrey,and I. Sat together we put our backpacks behind our chairs and our binders inside if the desks the teacher yelled "OKAY CLASS I AM MISSES HAYLEY AS SAID ON MY WHITEBOARD AND WE ARE ALL GOING TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES I WILL GIVE YOU ALL A COLORED SHEET OF PAPER AND YOU ALL HAVE TO PUT YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME AND YOUR INTEREST OKAY AND THERE WILL ONLY BE A LEVEL 1 OF VOICES NOW AM I CLEAR" man is she loud the cool class said "Yes Ma'm" she passed the whole class their choice of colored paper and and told us to fold it and write our names on the front and decorate the inside and write our interest. I did so And everyone did too she yelled "TIME,DROP YOUR PENCILS AND ALL EYES ON ME" everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at the teacher she said calmly "ok now If I tap your desk than that means you have to go up to the front of the class and introduce yourselves ok" she she tapped everyone's desk except us three she then tapped on Kaeyln's desk she went up and introduced herself "Hi I'm Kaeyln Jones and I am 13 in a half years old I like singing,sports,vine,and YouTube,and also I love science and Math." She sat back down and than Mrs.Hayley tapped on Jeffrey's desk he went up and introduced himself "Hi I'm Jeffrey Eli Miller and I do vines I have 1Million followers on vine um I sing,play piano,guitar,do YouTube I have a music video out um I like sports and I'm 13 in a half" a couple girls were freaking out a bit but they tried to hide it.he sat back down and smiled at me showing off his braces the teacher tapped my desk it got up and introduced myself "Hi I'm Ariel Johnson I do vines I have 1Million followers I. Vine I uh sing,do piano,guitar,flute. I play basketball and hockey I uhh um never mind" I walked back to my seat and on my way back a guy checked me out and smiled he meant no harm so I just smiled back and sat in my seat the teacher said "well then ok I will tell you the rules now before the bell rings for your next period ok first rule there will be no talking while I'm talking there is no sell phones allowed in this class I do not give warnings and also you are allowed to chew gum in this class you just have to spit it out when leaving this classroom ok got it and you're allowed to take your shoes off that's a-" "BEEEEP" that's the sound of the bell it cut off the teacher everyone got their stuff and left the teacher yelled "have a nice day" everyone gave the teacher their paper and went off with their day ~~~skipping rest of classes~~~ the bell rang for us to leave I got my stuff and Jeffrey did too Kaelyn went to the nurse the whole last class period she felt sick but she felt a little better so she came back in time for the bus we got in the bus and sat down Kaelyn immediately said "you and Jeffrey are Dating!!" I said "whoa there nelly calm down" Jeffrey poked his head from behind my shoulder and said "and yes we are dating" she giggled "I thought it was a rumor buuuut I still don't believe you prove it" I said "rumor..? And how do we prove it it's not like we're going to k-" she started looking at me with a mischievous look on her face I said "ohh huh no not at school" she said "why not no one is looking" I said "fine" I looked at Jeffrey and grasped the back of his hair and he grabbed my waist and I leaned in and kissed him I pulled away and said "there now do you believe us?" She nodded "you're so lucky I wish I had a boyfriend" my eyes widened😱 "you don't have a boyfriend you liar you have to be Lying you're 100% beautiful" she said "aww really thanks hey do you think maybe I can come over my parents ahave been gone for a couple days business trip" I said "uhh yeah sure" she said "if it's ok with your parents" I looked at my hands then at her then back at my hands I took a deep breath the. Said "umm Kaelyn" she looked at me with a concerned face "yeah?" I looked at her trying to fight back my tears Jeffrey kissed my cheek and said "it's alright you want me to tell her" I smiled "No Jeffrey it's-it's ok I'll tell her thanks" he smiled "uh ok" I said "Kaelyn I ha-have N-No parents" she gasped and said "oh noo I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" I cut her off "no it's not it's not your fault" she hugged me I said "but you can come over I live with Jeffrey and my cop mom but she just checks on us every Thursday" she smiled "oh-ok thanks" our stop came and the 3 of us got off the bus and walked home

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