photographer (new version)

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I woke up to my friend calling me it was Kayla I answered the phone.

*phone convo*


Hey you wanna go to Starbucks before school starts

Yea I'll be ready in 15


*end of the convo*

I got out of bed and I went into my bathroom and curled my hair and then I brushed my teeth and washed my face and then I put my contacts in. I looked through my closet for a outfit when i decided that I was going to wear some skinny jeans and a black cardigan and a blue shirt that came out at the bottom with some flats. I put my outfit on and for jewelry I put on a bow necklace and some bow earrings with a 2 fingered ring of a lighting bult. I got my arepostale bag and I headed downstairs. I was downstairs and I seen Jimmy and my mom Jimmy was eating pancakes while my mom was drinking coffee and watching Tv with my baby sister Lauren.

"good morning mom and Lauren"

"o your just not gonna say hi to me like you didn't see me right here"

" o I'm sorry Jimmy hi"

I heard a honk and was about to leave until my mom stopped me

"were are you going aren't you getting a ride by Jimmy?"

"No Kayla called me this morning and asked if I wanted to go to Starbucks and talk before school starts"

"Ok and come home after school I have to go to work and you have to watch Lauren"

"Ok mom by Lauren and mom"

"Ok just forget about me"

"bye Jimmy" I said while closing the door. I walked to Kayla's car and hoped in. we headed to Starbucks and I ordered a vanilla bean frappicino and a mulitigrian bagel while Kayla ordered a green tea frappicino.

"how have you been"

"I have been good how about you"

"God so I headed that this year's winter formal is suppose to be really good"

"Yea me to anybody asked you"

"No and I'm probably just going to go with a group of friends"

"or you can go with Jimmy"

"What ever and I think it's time to go or were going to be late for school"

"Yea ok but don't think this ain't going to come up any time soon"

"Yea whatever" we left Starbucks and went to school. When we got there the first bell rang and that means you have 1 minute until your late for first period. I had gym for frost period which was all the at across the school and if I ran I wasn't going to make it so I just took my time. I seen a few kids running and others skipping or just taking there time like me. By the time I got to gym I was late I wasn't really looking forward to gym because that's the class I had with Jimmy 's ex girlfriend who always thinks I had a thing for Jimmy so she thinks that the reason they broke up but the real reason they broke up was because she was crazy.

I hope you guys liked this version of the photographer better I like it better to.

photographer (new version)Where stories live. Discover now