A Not So Happy Anniversary

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It had been a week since Forth found those hickeys on Yo and he still hasn't confronted him about it. A part of him is scared to face the truth. Yo has been the only one he has ever loved and to find that person in the arms of another while they still claim you're their only one hurts more than anything. This week has been just like any other. He barely sees Yo anymore and since that night they haven't shared a bed together. The thought of sleeping so close to Yo, after everything, drives him insane. He loves Yo more than anything but the pain Yo has caused is breaking him. He tries to hide the pain from his friends and family but it gets harder and harder as each day passes. 

Forth is slowly losing his mind. The week is almost over. Only two more days until his and Yo's 5th anniversary. Not that it seems to matter anymore, it's not like Yo remembered it. Forth couldn't stand to be around Yo any longer, the pain and suffering was just too much, so he decided to go back home over the weekend and would return later on Sunday evening. Forth had only a half day on Friday so he was able to leave around lunch time, arriving at his parents place just before dinner. He didn't know how he would face his parents, they would sure be wondering why Yo wasn't with them. As dinner was being served Forth's mother asked why Yo hadn't come along. Forth had responded a little nervously that he had a big assignment due on Monday and needed to finish it. 

His parents were very understanding, knowing that their education was important. I wonder how they would react when they find out Yo has been cheating on him behind his back. It hasn't been confirmed yet but all the evidence was right in front of him that even a blind man could see it. 

As the weekend went by Forth had a great time spending it with his mother and father. His older brother was overseas on a business trip and his young sister was at a school camp. All in all it was a nice break from his life back in the city. When it was finally time to head home his mother gave him quite a large supply of her home made cooking, knowing that Yo absolutely loved her food. Forth was hesitant to take it but didn't want to come across as rude so just took the piles of food without complaint and placed them in the back of his car. He then began the 4 and a half hour drive back to his house. 

He was pleasantly surprised when he found Yo's car in their driveway seeing as he was never home this early in the night. Perhaps he had remembered their anniversary and wanted to share it with him. Maybe this was his way of letting Forth know that he chose him, that Forth was the only one he wanted. What he didn't expect was to have his heart shattered into a million pieces.

As he unlocked the front door he noticed a pair of shoes that were too big for Yo and definitely not Forth's style. As he crept further and further into the house he heard strange noises coming from upstairs. As he slowly reached the top he could clearly hear loud moans coming from their bedroom. Forth's heart stopped as the truth rushed over him like a waterfall. He tried holding on to what little faith he had left, praying that it was just Yo playing with himself and not with another man. His fantasy was left in pieces as he heard another man's voice saying how tight Yo was. With tears in his eyes he headed towards the bedroom and braced himself for what he was about to see. As he pushed the door open he was awaken to the sight of a rather tall, fairly good looking and medium build man fucking the life out of his boyfriend.

His heart laid scattered on the floor as he saw someone else touching Yo and him clearly enjoying it. It was a few moments before Yo finally saw Forth standing in the doorway with a look of horror on his face. He tried to speak but it was hard when he was getting fucked "I'm sorry Forth, it's not what it looks like" he moaned out as the guy on top of him wasn't stopping. When he heard Yo speak he turned and saw Yo's boyfriend standing there in shock, tears flowing down his cheeks. He smirked as he looked directly at Forth, still plowing away deep inside Yo "Can you shut the door please. I mean you're welcome to watch but I don't think you want to see me fucking Yo all night long." You could clearly tell the guy was just rubbing it into Forth. He has known about him since he met Yo. When they first met Yo couldn't stop talking about his beloved Forth and now here he was watching his own boyfriend getting fucked by someone else.

Forth was devastated, he tried to convince himself that it wasn't true, that all these signs and signals were just all in his head. How could his beloved Yo do this do him and didn't even stop the guy on top of him, just tried to explain his way out of this mess. Forth never expected this day to come, he always thought they would get married one day, have a few kids and grow old together, mostly due to their parents dreaming of that day. They used to talk about this stuff all the time, their parents were truly convinced they would be together forever but alas that dream will never come to pass.

As Forth stood there crying one loud moan from Yo, who was clearly enjoying being fucked right in front of his boyfriend,  shook him from his own mind. He took one last look at Yo and this stranger before bolting out of the room, and not just the room but the house. He grabbed his keys, wallet and phone before running out the door and into the night. He was so caught up in his own misery that he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. It had began to rain and Forth was just needing to get away. Lost in his own thoughts he didn't notice the car coming at him when he dashed across the road. The car slammed on its breaks and narrowly missed hitting Forth. The guy driving got out of the car and was about to yell at this man until he saw the tears flowing down his face.

He quickly wrapped his arms around him and dragged him to the passenger side of the car before hopping back into the drivers seat. Forth was shivering and barely there as his mind kept replaying the scene of Yo and the stranger in their bed over and over again. The driver tapped Forth on the shoulder and asked his name. Forth was brought back to reality. "What's your name stranger?" the driver asked. Forth wasn't sure if he should answer the man but he didn't want to be rude. "Forth" he replied softly. "Well nice to meet you Forth I'm Beam."

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