Chapter Seven: Just A Leprechaun.

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Niall's POV

"Leoni! Shut up!" Zayn whines from upstairs, waking me up.

"It's time to get up boo." I hear her giggle, she's clearly trying to wake him up.

"Maj, get up." I whisper, shaking Maja slightly.

"No." She protests, snuggling into my chest even more than she was before.

"Yes." I laugh, running my fingers up and down her spine.


I take the bull by the horns, "Because I want to take you out, Zayn's not getting up so Leoni will be upstairs with him anyway and there's nothing to do here," I say a little too quickly, I didn't expect her to understand but she sat up straight.

"I'm excited!'' She grins and kisses me quickly.

"Yeah, I'll go back to my house to change then come back and pick you up," I smile and she nods, I stand up and kiss her head before leaving.

Maja's POV

"I'll be back in about an hour, babe." Niall kisses my head the last time before disappearing out the door.

"Leoni!" I scream, running up the stairs and barreling into their bedroom, catching Leoni sitting on Zayn's tummy and kissing him.

"Er yeah?" She stammers while blushing bright red, still sat on top of Zayn.

"Niall's taking me out.'' I grin and she looks confused.

"Great?" She says with confusion embedded into her tone.

I roll my eyes, ''Outfit.'' I say. She rushes off of Zayn and follows me quickly into my bedroom.

We spend a while umming and ahhing about what I should wear, well, whilst laughing at a lot of my wardrobe choices. We finally settle on black leggings and an oversized, cream knitted jumper with a denim jacket over the top. I quickly dress myself and Leoni starts straightening my hair for me.

"Where's he taking you?" Leoni asks, bobby pins sticking out of her mouth as she plaits and pins my bangs up for me.

"I'm not overly sure, probably just out for lunch." I smile and inspect Leoni's handiwork; she's always been good at doing hair.

"Thanks Leo." I grin as I start applying the finishing touches to my makeup.


"Where are we?" I ask as Niall takes my hand, leading me into the little cottage style building.

"It's an Irish pub." He grins. We enter the pub which is completly filled with huge men, drinking and eating, a lot of them crowded round the TV watching horse racing which by the looks of things they'd been betting on.

"N-Ni, I don't f-feel comfortable here." I stutter, my grip on his hand tightening.

"Give us a chance m'lady." The friendly barman with a heavy Irish accent smiles, taking off his hat and doing a little bow. I grin, okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems.

"Watcha want to drink?" Niall asks, patting the barstool next to him, signalling for me to copy his actions and sit on the chair.

"Er, can I have a light beer please?" I ask polietly as I slide onto my seat, he nods and orders the drinks.

We sit and chat for a while, just about crap really. I find out that Niall and Zayn are in a band called One Direction, they were on the X Factor but sadly came third so they don't think they're going to get anywhere. He tells me a lot of juicy gossip about Zayn and his weird little obssession with cleaning things, him and Leoni are more suited than I thought. I tell Niall about my upbringing and my family, he seems genuinley interested in what I have to say, which is nice, different from what guys are usually like with me.

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