Part Four

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(Class Crescent Moon, 7:15 PM, Night before the gala)-

Maka sat with Soul and Crona, wringing her hands over and over.  Kid stared ahead. Finally, the door burst to splinters and BlackStar came in, laughing his usual maniacal laugh.

He broke another door again... Tsubaki thought, following bashfully behind.

"You're late," Maka muttered. BlackStar paid no attention. He was ranting on as usual about how great he was. He did, however, listen, when Stein said quietly, "Sit down."

BlackStar huffily obeyed.

"There is one more here that is involved" Stein stood up. "He should be here in 3, 2..."

Spirit raced through the open- well, gaping door. "MAKA!!!" He squealed. "Come to PAPAAAAA!!"

"Sit. Down. Now." Stein growled. Spirit, looking positively broken-hearted, sat, even if it was because he was more wounded by the scathing "No way" Maka ad directed his way. 

"So,"Stein said. "Now that we are allhere-" his glasses flashed as he gave scathing looks to BlackStar and Spirit. "Let me know what you found. Kid-"

Kid, in response, held up tickets.

"Good. Maka?"

Maka stood up and cleared her throat. She looked Stein in the eye. He raised an eyebrow. "The person were after, Nicholas Gautier, there was something-" she swallowed. "His home is a complete replica in every way to a manor that was originally built in the 1800's around the turn the century. Now, here is a picture of Thomas Gautier-" Maka held up a photo that she had printed out. It was a bit blurry, but it was the best photo she could find- there were almost no other pictures of him on the Internet. "And here is a very old photograph of the owner of the old mansion, with his butler."

She held up the picture she had found among the old newspapers. Everyone stared. They, like Maka, knew there was no mistaking it. They were the same person. Maka went on. "This boy supposedly died, and yet here he is. His name was Ciel Phantomhive, and his butler Sebastian Michealis strangely made no attempt to disguise his name--" Maka raised her head. "What do you think, Professor?"

Stein rubbed his chin. "Well, as for the age part, I'm not really surprised. A demon can live almost forever if it's not killed first. As for the butler, well, demon's minds work differently than humans, and they are extremely more acute than ours." Stein waved his hand. "An old demon would be able to study the patterns of human emotions and recognize patterns in order to manipulate those around them. Any suspicions would be easily directed away. I'm guessing the butler is the older demon, since the thirteen-year old hasn't really been able to hide himself from history. There weren't any records at all on the butler, I'm presuming?"

"None at all," Maka replied. 

"Well then," Stein smiled. "We know who we're after. All of you should start packing. We leave first thing tomorrow." He then stood up and exited, which was a rare thing for him. Spirit followed. Maka frowned. 

There's something about all of this that isn't quite right, Maka thought. And I can't seem to shake it. She stayed pensive for a moment, then shook her head. I'm taking too many classes, she thought wearily.

("Gautier" Manor, same day, 9:00 PM) 

Sebastian flicked the light switch off. It was so strange, Ciel thought. Those light switches. The light that came from them was so fake. He much preffered the oil lamps that they used to use. But it couldn't be helped. He remembered one of Sebastian's first lessons to him. 

"The world will always be changing and growing, my young lord," he had said. "We must learn to cope, embrace, and even be better than those around us in order to fit in. You must understand this if you want to go anywhere in your life as a demon."

Ciel looked out the window with his head resting on his palms. As soon as tomorrow came, there would be no work for him to do... Just another party. And he would be just another wall flower. That is, if Sebastian didn't make him dance. He shuddered. 

"Are the blankets too thin, my lord?" Sebastian's tall form was looming over the bed. 

"No," Ciel sighed. "It's nothing you can help, Sebastian. You can go, I'm going to retire for tonight"

"If you wish," Sebastian bowed. He however, stayed in place.

"What is it?" Ciel sighed. 

"I do hope you are ready for tomorrow, my lord." Sebastian replied.

"How could I not be ready? Stop worring yourself."

"Oh, I'm not worried," Sebastian smiled. "You're learning faster every day, my young lord."

Ciel snorted, rolling over so that Sebastian was facing his back. "Good night, Sebastian." 

Sebastian took the hint. He bowed, and quietly exited. When the door quietly shut with a thump, Ciel turned back to the window and where Sebastian was standing a moment ago. He stared out the open curtains and the window. 

At least the moon hasn't changed, Ciel thought. And slowly his chest was moving up and down the gentle rhythms of sleep. 


I hope you guys like this chapter! The fight part begins soon!! SQUEEE!!


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